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Wailing Book

Item date(s): 2010

Stephan Erasmus

Pages: unpaged
Size: 346mm
Inscription: Signed by the artist
Edition: #1/3

Place publication: Johannesburg, RSA
Publisher: Artists Book

Additional notes:
Fabriano paper, digital print, lint, black ribbons, brown cloth and hand marbled paper.

Hollow blocks 1cm x 1cm x 1cm were constructed and assembled into three pages. These were secured together with black ribbons woven through the blocks to form the exposed spine of the book.

An open call was made for white South Africans under 35 to write love letters to South Africa. Three out of the hundred people asked, responded. These letters were cut into squares, crumpled up and placed into the hollow blocks (or wall). This process mimics the placement of prayers into the Western Wall in Jerusalem.

Housed in a drop-back box bound in three-quarter cloth over board, matching that used for the quarter bound book. Secured with black ribbon ties.

Exhibition notes:
Book Arts: Artists' Books, Curated by Wilheim van Rensberg and Alet Vorster. AOP Gallery, 44 Stanley Ave, Johannesburg. 25 October - 15 November 2014

Ref: GB/12754

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