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Farbwechsel: Grün
Color Change: Green

Item date(s): 2011

Ines von Ketelhodt

Pages: unpaged
Size: 295mm, oblong
Inscription: Signed by the artist
Edition: #4/33

Place publication: Flörsheim am Main, Germany
Publisher: Artists Book

Additional notes:
Die Texte wurden entnommen aus: Virginia Woolf, To the Lighthouse. First published in 1927 by The Hogarth Press London.

Text printed in shades of green onto mylar. The mylar pages have to be aligned in order to read the text which is out of alignment. The English text in large type over several pages is translated into German text on a single sheet.

Turning back among the many leaves which the past had folded

in him, peering into the the heart of that forest where

light and shade so chequer each other that all shape is distorted,

and one blunders now with the sun in one's eyes,

now with a dark shadow, he sought an image to cool and detach and

round off his feelings in a concrete shape.

Housed in a black flip-top box together with Grün, Rot, Gelb, Weiss, Schwarz and Blau.

Ref: GB/12965

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