Pages: unpaged Size: 206mm Inscription: Signed by the artist Edition: #2/20
Place publication: Portland, OR Publisher: Artists Book Cat. 199-C6b Exhibition 2017
Additional notes: This book was conceived as a residency project for the Atelier vis-à-vis in Marseille, France. It was printed on Akatosashi paper in an edition of 20 copies and completed during the Spring and Summer of 2011. The imagery was printed on a Ledeuil etching press and a Vandercook SP15 repro proof press and the paper was cut using a Lhermite massiquot cutter at the Atelier vis-à-vis. The text was letterpress printed in Inge's studio in Portland, Oregon on a Vandercook 219AB, where the binding work was also completed.
Contained in an orange wrap-around folder.
Exhibition notes: Item 0199 - C6b on Booknesses: Artists' books from the Jack Ginsberg Collection. UJ Art Gallery, University of Johannesburg. 25 March to 5 May 2017