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Openbaringe en Johannes

Item date(s): 1992

Phil du Plessis  - (poems by)
Braam Kruger  - (illustrated by)
Judith Mason  - (dedicated to)

Pages: 80pp
Size: 215mm
Inscription: Signed by both artists.

Theme(s): Poetry

Place publication: Kaapstad
Publisher: The Carrefour Press
ISBN: 0-9583175-6-0

Additional notes:
The book is inscribed "vir Judith Attwood, engel met penseel". With Judith Mason's ex libris.

Gedruk op suurvry, herbenutte papier deur Mark Attwood, The Artists' Press, Minnaarstraat 10, Newtown 2001. [Judith was married to Bruce Attwood whose son, Mark, printed the book.]

The title page is signed by both Phil du Plessis and Braam Kruger.

The ultimate association copy!

Ref: GB/15367

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