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Found 5 matches for: 'Bruce Attwood' (results sorted by Title). Click the Title for full details.
1: Selected Poems 1961-1991
Patrick Cullinan
Steven Watson  - (edited with an introduction by)
Judith Mason  - (illustrated by)
Johann Maree  - (bookbinding by)
Bruce Attwood  - (cover made by)

2: Dante Bestiary
Judith Mason  - (book artist)
Peter Carstens  - (bookbinding by)
Bruce Attwood  - (printed by)

3: Dante Bestiary
Judith Mason
Bruce Attwood
4: Art [1]
Bruce Attwood
5: Battiss 75
Murray Schoonraad  - (compiled by)
Pieter A. Duminy  - (compiled by)
Bruce Attwood  - (printed by)
Neville E. Dubow  - (tribute by)
Karin Skawran  - (tribute by)
Esmé Berman  - (tribute by)
Johan van Rooyen  - (tribute by)
Phyllis Konya  - (tribute by)
Linda Goodman  - (tribute by)
Walter Whall Battiss  (1906-1982) - (title)

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