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Found 9 matches for: 'James Trissel' (results sorted by Title). Click the Title for full details.
1: Printed Poem / The Poem as Print
James Trissel  - (book artist)
Alastair Reid  - (edited by)
Dana Gioia  - (edited by)
2: Selection of Poems
Emily Dickinson  - (poems by)
James Trissel  - (book artist)
Helen Hunt Jackson  - (poems by)
Joe Gordon  - (foreword by)
3: Fire in the Wax Museum
John Drury
James Trissel  - (book artist)
4: Inversnaid
Gerard Manley Hopkins
James Trissel  - (book artist)
5: Cycle of the Day
James Trissel

6: Daedalus
James Trissel

7: LETTERpressworkBOOK
James Trissel

8: Silence
James Trissel
9: First Celestial Adventure of Mister Benzedrine
Tristan Tzara
James Trissel

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