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Found 5 matches for: 'Katherine Kuehn' (results sorted by Title). Click the Title for full details.
1: Made in the Midwest
Bruce W. Pepich  - (introduction by)
Walter (Samuel Haatoum) Hamady  - (title)
Beth Grabowski  - (essay by)
Charles Alexander  - (featured artist)
Janet Ballweg  - (featured artist)
Gretchen Lee Coles  - (featured artist)
Lester Dore  - (featured artist)
Jim A. Escalante  - (featured artist)
Marta Gomez  - (featured artist)
Susan Gosin  - (featured artist)
Beth Grabowski  - (featured artist)
Lane Hall  - (featured artist)
Kevin Henkes  - (featured artist)
Kent Kasuboske  - (featured artist)
Katherine Kuehn  - (featured artist)
Jim Lee  - (featured artist)
Ruth Lingen  - (featured artist)
Shiere M. Melin  - (featured artist)
Steve Miller  - (featured artist)
Lisa Moline  - (featured artist)
Jeffrey Morin  - (featured artist)
Stephanie Newman-James  - (featured artist)
Bonnie O'Connell  - (featured artist)
Cathie Ruggie Saunders  - (featured artist)
Susi Schneider  - (featured artist)
Pati Scobey  - (featured artist)
Bonnie Stahlecker  - (featured artist)
Barbara Tetenbaum  - (featured artist)
Walter Tisdale  - (featured artist)
Debra Weier  - (featured artist)
2: Library
Katherine Kuehn  - (curated by)
David Abel  - (co-curator)
Steven Clay  - (co-curator)
3: Rare Beauty
(Eire)  - (preface by)
Ruth R. Rogers  - (essay by)
Steven Daiber  - (featured artist)
Pati Scobey  - (featured artist)
Barbara Tetenbaum  - (featured artist)
Wilber H. Schilling  - (featured artist)
Katherine Kuehn  - (featured artist)
Julie Chen  - (featured artist)
4: Mining My Antonia
Barbara Tetenbaum  - (book artist)
Katherine Kuehn  - (etchings printed by)
5: Letters & Numbers
Jerome Rothenberg  - (poems by)
Katherine Kuehn  - (book artist)

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