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Found 206 matches for: 'M. ' (results sorted by Title). Click the Title for full details.
1: Bushman Tribes of Southern Africa
Walter Whall Battiss  (1906-1982) - (letter to)
A. M. Duggan-Cronin  - (photographs by)
Dorothea F. Bleek  - (introduction by)
2: RED data AND etc.
Marion Arnold  - (interview with)
M. Campbell Aiton  - (interview by)
3: Brush up your Shakespeare
Neale M. Albert  - (introduction by)
4: Poet of Them All
Neale M. Albert  - (title)
Elisabeth Fairman
James Reid-Cunningham  - (essay by)
Amy Meyers  - (foreword by)
5: Allen Press Bibliography
Lewis M. Allen
6: Janus Press at Sixty
Claire Van Vliet
Susan M. Allen
7: On Certainty
Ludwig Wittgenstein  - (author)
Arthur C. Danto  - (introduction by)
Mel Bochner  - (prints by)
Denis Paul  - (translated by)
G. E. M. Anscombe  - (edited and translated by)
G. H. von Wright  - (edited with a preface by)

8: Oyster Boat
Christopher Kardambikis  - (featured artist)
Frankie Flood  - (featured artist)
Diamond Forde  - (featured artist)
Beth Sheehan  - (featured artist)
Tracey M. Atsitty  - (featured artist)
9: Definitive Edition of the Plays of J. M. Barrie
J. M. Barrie
10: Peter Pan
J. M. Barrie
11: Pink Blank Book
M. Baum
12: Eight-One Act Plays Mainly for Boys
A. E .M. Bayliss
13: Narcissus
E. M. Beekman

14: Jane Alexander
Jurgen E. Schrempp  - (foreword by)
Christoph Kopke  - (foreword by)
Sibusiso M. E. Bengu  - (foreword by)
Renate Wiehager  - (foreword by)
Jane Alexander  - (title)
15: Nos
John M. Bennett
16: Sacaron Navajas
John M. Bennett
17: Vispoeologee
John M. Bennett
Thomas Cassidy
Scott Helmes
John M. Bennett
Andrew Topel
19: Rumbor
C. Mehrl Bennett
John M. Bennett
20: Illegible
John M. Bennett
21: Splendid Pages
Julie Mellby  - (introduction by)
Roger M. Berkowitz  - (foreword by)
22: Principles of Visual Perception
Carolyn M. Bloomer
23: Book of South African Flowers
M. L. Bolus
E. J. Steer  - (photographs by)
24: Second Book of South African Flowers
M. L. Bolus
25: Skertse
M. C. Botha  - (author)
Walter Whall Battiss  (1906-1982) - (book jacket by)
26: Die Hartklop van Gevoel
Walter Whall Battiss  (1906-1982) - (book jacket by)
M. C. Botha  - (author)
27: Batt 155 (2) [squared]
Walter Whall Battiss  (1906-1982) - (featured artist)
M. C. Botha  - (photographer)
28: POOF in FOOK Studio, Giotto's Hill c. 1976
Walter Whall Battiss  (1906-1982) - (featured artist)
M. C. Botha  - (photographer)
29: Six nude photographs of M. C. Botha
Walter Whall Battiss  (1906-1982) - (photographs by)
M. C. Botha  - (photographs of)
30: Pomp 11
Hendrik Venter  - (edited by)
M. C. Botha  - (essay by)
31: Allen Rupperberg. One of Many
Allen Ruppersberg  - (title)
Ulrike Gross  - (introduction by)
Katrina M. Brown  - (introduction by)
José Lebrero Stals  - (introduction by)
32: Pets
J. M. Calleja
J. M. Calleja
Klaus-Peter Dencker
34: Album 013
J. M. Calleja
35: Aquiahoraotravoz
Alejandro Thornton
J. M. Calleja
J. M. Calleja
Carlota Caulfield
37: Putrefatti
John M. (Johnny) Carrera

38: Get Me the President
John M. (Johnny) Carrera
39: Pictorial Webster's
John M. (Johnny) Carrera
40: Pictorial Webster's
John M. (Johnny) Carrera

41: Pursuit of Happiness
John M. (Johnny) Carrera
42: Making Impressions
Cathleen A. Baker  - (edited by)
Rebecca M. Chung  - (edited by)
43: English Studies Series One
M. J. Clarke
44: William Kentridge [1999]
Dan Cameron
J. M. Coetzee
Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev  - (interview by)
William Kentridge  - (interview with)
45: Spanish Bawd
Fernando de Rojas
J. M. Cohen  - (translated by)
Dodie Masterman  - (aquatints by)
46: Catalogue of Early Printed Books 1471-1600 in the Library
Jean M. Cowley  - (compiled by)
47: Exlibris der Nederlandse Medici
M. C. Croockewit
G. van Rijnberk  - (preface by)
Johan Schwencke  - (introduction by)
48: Complete Bond Book
David M. Darst
49: Weighing . . . And Wanting
William Kentridge  - (title)
Hugh M. Davies  - (curated with an introduction by)
50: On the Trail of Qing and Orpen
José M. de Prada-Samper
Menan du Plessis
Jeremy Hollmann
Jill Weintroub
Justine Wintjes
John Wright
51: Kunstenaarsboeken: twaalf benaderingen (Artist' Books: Twelve Approaches)
Alex A. M. de Vries  - (introduction by)
52: Golden Age of Dutch Manuscript Painting
James H. Marrow  - (introduction by)
Henri L. M. Defoer  - (essay by)
Anne S. Korteweg  - (essay by)
Wilhelmin C. M. Wustefeld  - (essay by)
53: Diary of a Provincial Lady
E. M. Delafield
54: Kunstenaarsboeben: Tussen Traditie en Experiment
Johan M. H. Deumens  - (essay by)
Ton Brandenbarg  - (preface by)
55: General Catalogue No. 19
Johan M. H. Deumens
56: Verzamelde Werken
Henriette Kindt  - (preface by)
Johan M. H. Deumens  - (introduction by)
Anne Moeglin-Delcroix  - (introduction by)
57: Het Boek en de Kunstenaar
Anke van der Laan  - (foreword by)
Johan M. H. Deumens  - (introduction and commentaries)
58: Catalogue Nr. 26
Johan M. H. Deumens
59: Catalogue Nr. 25
Johan M. H. Deumens
60: Editions and Artists' Books
Johan M. H. Deumens
61: Johan Deumens Gallery
Johan M. H. Deumens
62: Christiane Baumgartner
Johan M. H. Deumens  - (introduction by)
Christiane Baumgartner  - (title)
63: 10th Anniversary Exhibition
Lenore M. Dickinson  - (introduction by)
Samuel Ellenport  - (foreword by)
64: Priest
Thomas M. Disch
65: We go out
M. & E. Elia
66: We learn at home
M. & E. Elia
67: Puzzle Book
M. C. Escher
68: Medieval Drawings
M. W. Evans
69: Art as Book as Art
Jane M. Farmer  - (curated with an essay by)
70: Collaboration as a Medium
Helen C. Frederick  - (created by)
Jane M. Farmer  - (created by)
Roger Mandle  - (foreword by)
Leslie King-Hammond  - (introduction by)
Buzz Spector  - (introduction by)
71: Izwi 04
Phil du Plessis  - (edited by)
Stephen Gray  - (edited by)
Wilma Stockenström  - (edited by)
H. M. Ferguson  - (illustrated by)
72: Izwi 15
Phil du Plessis  - (edited by)
Stephen Gray  - (edited by)
Wessel Pretorius  - (edited by)
Sheila Roberts  - (edited by)
Annemarie Wessels  - (cover illustration by)
Ian Rogers  - (graphics by)
H. M. Ferguson  - (cartoons by)
73: Cooking of Provincial France
M. F. K. Fisher
74: Eat and Be Merry
V. M. FitzRoy
75: Commonplace Book
E. M. Forster
76: England's Pleasant Land
E. M. Forster
77: Howards End
E. M. Forster
Gilbert Phelps  - (introduction by)
Jennifer Campbell  - (drawings by)
78: Passage to India
E. M. Forster
Michael Holroyd  - (introduction by)
Ian Ribbons  - (illustrations by)
79: Artists' Bookworks (1)
G. M. F. Forty  - (foreword by)
80: British Biscuit Tins 1868-1939
M. J. Franklin
81: Autobiography
M. K. Gandhi
82: Correspondence with the Goverment. 1944-1947
M. K. Gandhi
83: Non-Violence in Peace and War.
M. K. Gandhi
84: Satyagraha (Non-Violent Resistence)
M. K. Gandhi
85: Satyagraha in South Africa
M. K. Gandhi
86: Story of my Experiments with Truth
M. K. Gandhi
87: Vincent Fitzgerald & Company
Martha Wilson  - (foreword by)
Ursula Haeusgen  - (foreword by)
Eleanor M. Garvey  - (introduction by)
88: Artist and the Book 1860-1960
Eleanor M. Garvey  - (catalogue by)
Philip Hofer  - (introduction by)

89: Artists of the Book in Boston
Nancy Finlay  - (introduction and commentaries)
Lawrence Dowler  - (foreword by)
Eleanor M. Garvey  - (preface by)
90: Priscilla Juvelis Catalogue
John F. Fleming  - (preface by)
Priscilla Juvelis  - (preface by)
Eleanor M. Garvey  - (introduction by)
91: Navigating the Bookscape
David Murray Paton  - (curated with an essay by)
Jack M. Ginsberg  - (foreword by)
Robyn Sassen  - (introduction by)
Kim Lieberman  - (featured artist)
E. Giulio P. Tambellini  - (featured artist)
André Venter  - (featured artist)
Marc Edwards  - (featured artist)
Paul Emmanuel  - (featured artist)
92: Artists' Books in the Ginsberg Collection
Jack M. Ginsberg  - (curated by)
David Murray Paton  - (curated by)
93: TEXTures
David Murray Paton  - (curated with an essay by)
Jack M. Ginsberg  - (curated with an introduction by)
Rosalind Cleaver  - (curated by)
Riette Zaaiman  - (foreword by)
94: Booknesses
Jack M. Ginsberg  - (title)
David Murray Paton  - (curated by)
Robyn Sassen  - (edited with an introduction by)
Federico Freschi  - (foreword by)

95: Grolier Club / Codex Foundation International Symposium
Jack M. Ginsberg  - (presentation by)
Peter Rutledge Koch  - (exhibition by)
96: Jack Ginsberg, Artists' Book Collector Par Excellence
Jack M. Ginsberg  - (title)
Christine Mullen Kreamer  - (interview by)
97: Research at the LOC on Artists' Books
Jack M. Ginsberg
98: Artists' Books in the Ginsberg Collection
Jack M. Ginsberg  - (curated by)
David Murray Paton  - (curated by)
99: Paper Craft Exhibition
Jack M. Ginsberg
100: Collecting of Artist Books
Jack M. Ginsberg
101: Legal Deposit of Books
Pippa Skotnes
Jack M. Ginsberg
102: Behind the Personal Library
Alexander Campos  - (organised by)
Johanna Drucker  - (organised by)
Jae Jennifer Rossman  - (organised by)
Tony White  - (organised by)
Jack M. Ginsberg
103: Celebrating one hundred years
Rosalind Cleaver  - (curated by)
Jack M. Ginsberg  - (curated by)
104: Creative Research
Veronika Schäpers  - (featured artist)
Robbin Ami Silverberg  - (featured artist)
Julie Chen  - (featured artist)
Jack M. Ginsberg  - (preface by)
Rosalind Cleaver  - (house catalogue)
105: Gabberjabs &c: Walter Hamady and The Perishable Press Limited
Jack M. Ginsberg  - (essay by)
Rosalind Cleaver  - (compiled by)
106: WJK In black and white and READ all over
William Kentridge  - (title)
Rosalind Cleaver  - (curated by)
Jack M. Ginsberg  - (curated by)
107: Transfigured Sackcloth
Rev. W. L. Watkinson
Jack M. Ginsberg  - (altered by)

108: Vindication of the Rights of Woman
Jack M. Ginsberg  - (altered by)
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
Mrs Henry Fawcett  - (introduction by)

109: 370 Day Project
Willem Hendrik Adriaan Boshoff
Jack M. Ginsberg  - (translated by)
Delina van Heerden  - (translated by)

110: Penelope Punctuated
Jack M. Ginsberg

111: Walter Battiss: 'I invented myself'. The Jack Ginsberg Collection
Jack M. Ginsberg  - (title)
112: Walter Battiss: "I invented myself"
Warren Siebrits  - (curated with an essay by)
Karel Nel  - (essay by)
Jack M. Ginsberg  - (essay by)
Walter Whall Battiss  (1906-1982) - (title)
113: Walter Battiss: "I invented myself"
Alison Kearney  - (compiled by)
Jack M. Ginsberg  - (title)
114: People give to People
Jack M. Ginsberg  - (featured)
115: Collection
Jack M. Ginsberg  - (featured)
Jacquie Myburgh Chemaly  - (edited by)
116: After New York
Gordon Froud  - (curated by)
Jack M. Ginsberg  - (opened by)
117: Mamba Awards
Braam Kruger
Jack M. Ginsberg  - (featured artist)
118: Typographic Communications Today
Edward M. Gottschall
119: Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
George M. Gould
120: Beine Hoch Erika
Dieter Wagner  - (book artist)
Dieter M. Gräf  - (text by)
121: Mein vaterland
Dieter M. Gräf  - (poems by)
Dieter Wagner  - (book artist)
122: La Nuit des Preuves
M. G. Guez-Ricord  - (text by)

123: Jewish Book-plates
A. M. Habermann
Zvi Assaf  - (foreword by)
Avrom Weiss  - (introduction by)
124: Lucas Sithole 1958 - 1979
Fernand F. Haenggi
Mme. F. M. L. Haenggi  - (introduction by)
Maj. Aubrey Fielding  - (introduction by)
Lucas Sithole  - (title)
125: Type and Typographers
Manfred Klein
Yvonne Schwemer-Scheddin
Erik Spiekermann
M. Handgraaf  - (foreword by)
126: Librarians Glossary & Reference Book
L. M. Harrod
127: Authentic / Ex-Centric
Salah M. Hassan
Olu Oguibe  - (co-author)
128: Alphabet
J. M. Heale
129: D .W. Griffith - His Life and Work
Robert M. Henderson
130: Colour in Interior Decoration
John M. Holmes
131: On the Street
Amy Arbus
A. M. Homes  - (essay by)
132: Ex Libris: Words and Texts
Catherine Mayes  - (curated with an introduction by)
Alice R. M. Hyland  - (curated with an introduction by)
133: South African Bookplates
J. G. Bishop  - (index by)
F. L. Alexander  - (introduction by)
R. F. M. Immelman  - (preface by)
134: South African Bookplates
J. G. Bishop  - (index by)
R. F. M. Immelman  - (preface by)
F. L. Alexander  - (introduction by)
135: Voyage to the Interior
Gary M. James
Alexander E. James
136: Ghost Stories of M. R. James
Nigel Kneale  - (selected with an introduction by)
M. R. James
Charles Keeping  - (lithographs by)
137: German Art in the 20th Century
C. M. Joachimides
138: MFA in Book Arts / Printmaking
Lois M. Johnson
139: Anton van Wouw en die van Wouwhuis
Anton van Wouw
D. M. Joubert  - (introduction by)
140: Gregoire Boonzaier
D. M. Joubert
Murray Schoonraad
Gregoire Boonzaier  - (title)
141: Correspondence with Prof. D. M. (Danie) Joubert
D. M. Joubert  - (letters to)
Esias Bosch  - (featured artist)
Bettie Cilliers Barnard  - (featured artist)
Gregoire Boonzaier  - (featured artist)
Frans Claerhout  - (featured artist)
Christo Coetzee  - (featured artist)
Danie de Jager  - (featured artist)
Dick Findlay  - (featured artist)
Zakkie (Zacharias) Eloff  - (featured artist)
Elzaby Laubscher  - (featured artist)
Maggie Laubser  - (featured artist)
Jack Lugg  - (featured artist)
Thijs Nel  - (featured artist)
Hyme Rabinowitz  - (featured artist)
Nico Roos  - (featured artist)
Alexander Rose-Innes  - (featured artist)
Anton Rupert  - (featured artist)
Edoardo Villa  - (featured artist)
142: Art of Zakkie Eloff
D. M. Joubert  - (author)
Zakkie (Zacharias) Eloff  - (featured artist)
143: MBS 1998
Richard M. Kolbet  - (introduction by)
144: Shadow Play
Melinda Kennedy  - (poems by)
Ann M. Kresge  - (book artist)
145: Dictionary of Fictional Characters
J. M. F. Leaper
146: Britain in Colour
David Ferry  - (book artist)
R. M. Lockley  - (original author)

147: Final Results of Psychoanalytic Treatment
M. M. Lum
148: Fine Illustrations in Western European Printed Books
T. M. MacRobert
149: If you Really Want To Know: A Catcher Casebook
Malcolm M. Marsden
150: Made in the Midwest
Bruce W. Pepich  - (introduction by)
Walter (Samuel Haatoum) Hamady  - (title)
Beth Grabowski  - (essay by)
Charles Alexander  - (featured artist)
Janet Ballweg  - (featured artist)
Gretchen Lee Coles  - (featured artist)
Lester Dore  - (featured artist)
Jim A. Escalante  - (featured artist)
Marta Gomez  - (featured artist)
Susan Gosin  - (featured artist)
Beth Grabowski  - (featured artist)
Lane Hall  - (featured artist)
Kevin Henkes  - (featured artist)
Kent Kasuboske  - (featured artist)
Katherine Kuehn  - (featured artist)
Jim Lee  - (featured artist)
Ruth Lingen  - (featured artist)
Shiere M. Melin  - (featured artist)
Steve Miller  - (featured artist)
Lisa Moline  - (featured artist)
Jeffrey Morin  - (featured artist)
Stephanie Newman-James  - (featured artist)
Bonnie O'Connell  - (featured artist)
Cathie Ruggie Saunders  - (featured artist)
Susi Schneider  - (featured artist)
Pati Scobey  - (featured artist)
Bonnie Stahlecker  - (featured artist)
Barbara Tetenbaum  - (featured artist)
Walter Tisdale  - (featured artist)
Debra Weier  - (featured artist)
151: Beetle
Maria M. Mudd  - (text by)
Wendy Smith-Griswold  - (illustrations by)
152: Butterfly
Maria M. Mudd  - (text by)
Wendy Smith-Griswold  - (illustrations by)
153: Making Mischief: Dada Invades New York
Francis M. Naumann
154: Catalysts
Jeremy M. Norman  - (introduction by)
155: Centennial Album
Stephen C. Pinson
Jeff L. Rosenheim
Nadine M. Orenstein
156: Landscape & Memory:
Camden M. Richards
157: Peter Koch Printer: A Forty-Year Retrospective
Peter Rutledge Koch  - (title)
Elizabeth Fischbach  - (curated by)
Roberto G. Trujillo  - (curated with a preface by)
Michael A. Keller  - (preface by)
Monique Comacchio  - (preface by)
Camden M. Richards  - (preface by)
Russell Maret  - (introduction by)
158: Uncovering White Privilege
Rachel K. Laser  - (text by)
Camden M. Richards  - (designed by)
Kerry McAleer-Keeler  - (illustrated by)
159: Thomas Onetwo
Ernest M. Robson
Ken Friedman  - (illustrated by)
160: Material Noise
Anne M. Royston
161: Guerrilla Girls in the Artworld and Beyond
Jane M. Saks
162: Peanuts Classics
Charles M. Schulz
163: Peanuts Jubilee
Charles M. Schulz
164: Peanuts Treasury
Charles M. Schulz
165: Race for Your Life, Charlie Brown
Charles M. Schulz
166: Snoopy and the Twelve Days of Christmas
Charles M. Schulz
John J. Strejan  - (paper engineering by)
167: Snoopy Festival
Charles M. Schulz
168: Rhodes
M. Sciadaresis  - (photographed by)
Walter Whall Battiss  (1906-1982) - (photograph)
169: Dafatir
Nada M. Shabout  - (edited by)
Janet Tyson  - (assisted by)
170: Book of Poetry
W. M. Smyth  - (edited by)
171: S.
J. J. Abrams
Doug Dorst
V. M. Straka  - (pseudonym)
Paul Kepple  - (designed by)
Ralph Geroni  - (designed by)

172: Complete Works of John M. Synge.
John M. Synge
173: Playboy of the Western World
John M. Synge
Stanley Sultan  - (edited by)
Louis le Brocquy  - (illustrated by)
174: Playboy of the Western World
John M. Synge
175: Politics in the Republic of South Africa
Leonard M. Thompson
176: By-and-by
Amy Bloom  - (text by)
Robin Price  - (book artist)
M. Jordan Tierney  - (images by)
177: Sekoto: Unsevered Ties
Lesley Spiro Cohen
Christopher M. Till  - (foreword by)
Gerard Sekoto  - (title)
178: Johannesburg Art and Artists: Selections from a Century
Sheree Lissoos
Christopher M. Till  - (foreword by)
179: Vita Art Now
Julia Meintjies  - (compiled by)
Elsa Miles  - (compiled by)
Grace Welsh  - (compiled by)
Christopher M. Till  - (foreword by)
180: Switch
Christopher M. Till  - (foreword by)
Bongi Dhlomo-Mautloa  - (foreword by)
181: Vita Art Now
Christopher M. Till  - (introduction by)
Nicola Danby  - (compiled by)
Lindsay Pells  - (compiled by)
182: Impressions '85
Christopher M. Till  - (foreword by)
183: Jacob Hendrik Pierneef As Printmaker
Margaret Vorster
Christopher M. Till  - (foreword by)
Jacob Hendrik Pierneef  - (title)
184: Vita Art Now
Jillian Carman  - (catalogue by)
Helene Smuts  - (catalogue by)
Christopher M. Till  - (preface by)
Steven Sack  - (introduction by)
185: Cape Town Triennial 1991
Christopher M. Till  - (preface by)
Elsa Miles  - (introduction by)
186: Pierneef, Land and Landscape
N. J. Coetzee
Christopher M. Till  - (foreword by)
Jacob Hendrik Pierneef  - (title)
187: Johannesburg Art Gallery
Christopher M. Till
188: Neglected Tradition
Steven Sack  - (curated with an essay by)
Christopher M. Till  - (foreword by)
189: Images of Wood
Elizabeth Rankin
Christopher M. Till  - (foreword by)
Julia Meintjies  - (documentation by)
Elizabeth Dell  - (biographies by)
190: Johannesburg Art Gallery
Christopher M. Till
191: Johannesburg Art Gallery
Christopher M. Till
192: Neglected Tradition
Steven Sack  - (curated with an essay by)
Christopher M. Till  - (foreword by)
193: Art and Ambiguity
Christopher M. Till  - (preface by)
Es'kia Mphahlele  - (introduction by)
194: Africus Johannesburg Biennale
Christopher M. Till  - (foreword by)
195: Johannesburg Art Gallery
Christopher M. Till
196: What remains is tomorrow
Bronwyn Law-Viljoen  - (edited by)
Oliver Barstow  - (designed by)
Christopher M. Till  - (curated by)
Jeremy Rose  - (curated by)
Jeremy Wafer  - (featured artist)
Willem Hendrik Adriaan Boshoff  - (featured artist)
Mohau Modisakeng  - (featured artist)
Haroon Gunn-Salie  - (featured artist)
Robin Rhode  - (featured artist)
Nandipha Mntambo  - (featured artist)
Brett Murray  - (featured artist)
Diane Victor  - (featured artist)
Gerald Machona  - (featured artist)
Serge Alain Nitegeka  - (featured artist)
Warrick Sony  - (featured artist)
Mark Lewis  - (featured artist)
Jo Ractliffe  - (featured artist)
Angus Gibson  - (featured artist)
197: Salamagundi
R. M. Titlestad
198: Around the World in Eighty Days
Jules Verne
Peter Brookes  - (drawings by)
G. M. Towle  - (translated by)
N. C. Danvers  - (translated by)
199: Art of Reading: Books and Non-Books
Sasha M. White  - (curated with an introduction by)
200: Introduction to the Theatre
Frank M. Whiting
201: Murder by Book
Peggy Gotthold
Lawrence G van Velzer
Theodore M. Wilke  - (fictitious author)
202: Bayeux Tapestry
David M. Wilson  - (introduction and commentaries)
Jean Le Carpentier  - (foreword by)
203: T. E. Lawrence: Letters to E.T. Leeds
J. M. Wilson
204: Golden Age of Dutch Manuscript Painting
James H. Marrow  - (introduction by)
Henri L. M. Defoer  - (essay by)
Anne S. Korteweg  - (essay by)
Wilhelmin C. M. Wustefeld  - (essay by)
205: Art of Illuminating
W. R. Tymms
M. D. Wyatt
206: Some Observations on the Diseases of Brunus edwardii (Species nova)
C. M. Young
D. G. Owen
D. K. Blackmore

© Jack Ginsberg Centre for Book Arts (JGCBA). All rights reserved.