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Found 6 matches for: 'Stanley Morison' (results sorted by Title). Click the Title for full details.
1: Printing and the Mind of Man
Sir Frank Francis  - (preface by)
Stanley Morison  - (preface by)
John Carter  - (preface by)
Robert A. Wilson  - (preface by)
2: Four Centuries of Fine Printing
Stanley Morison
3: Fra Luca de Pacioli of Borgo S. Sepolcro
Stanley Morison
4: Newly Discovered Treatise on Classic Letter Design Printed at Parma by Damianus Moyllus, A Circa 1480
Stanley Morison
5: Roman Italic & Black Letter
Stanley Morison
John Fell  - (title)
6: Typographic Book. 1450-1935
Stanley Morison  - (introduction by)
Kenneth Day  - (supplementary material)

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