Colophon Fritha Langerman (essay by) p8
Ukungenisa Nandipha Mntambo (essay by) p12
Pogonology Malcolm Payne (essay by) p14
Security Jane Alexander (essay by) p22
Fall Adrienne van Eeden (essay by) p28
1973 Nasan Pather (essay by) p31
The League of Ahistoric Anachronistic Photographers Vanessa Cowling (essay by) p32
Not no Place: An Index to a Wish City Bettina Malcomess (essay by) p34
Strandveld Series Stephen Inggs (essay by) p36
At the Edge of Writing Carine Zaayman (essay by) p42
Twin Town Svea Josephy (essay by) p46
Feral Acts Gavin Younge (essay by) p52
Brief Consideration of orrespondence - Some Reflections on Artistic Process Virginia MacKenny (essay by) p60
The Trouble with Photographs Jean Brundrit (essay by) p64
In Transit Lyndi Sales (essay by) p68
Niggers Can't be Choosers Ed Young (essay by) p70
Further Notes Towards a Theory of Transactional Aesthetics Andrew Lamprecht (essay by) p73
Fever Sleep: The Colonial Pillow Series Kurt Campbell (essay by) p77
Body Language Lynne Lomofsky (essay by) p80
Moving Spirit p82
Participatory Podia Johann van der Schijff (essay by) p86
Endnote Pippa Skotnes (essay by) p92