Place publication: Edinburgh Publisher: The Fruitmarket Gallery ISBN: 978-1-908612-410
Ref: SA/1854
Mapping, Making, Marking: Plotting the work of Kentridge and Koorland Tamar Garb (essay by) Vivienne Koorland (title) William Kentridge (title) p60
William Kentridge and Vivienne Koorland in Conversation Tamar Garb (interview by) Vivienne Koorland (interview with) William Kentridge (interview with) p118
The Weight of Evidence Joseph Leo Koerner (essay by) p148
Nocturnal Painting: Die Gedanken Sind Frei Briony Fer (essay by) p158
Drawing from Damaged Life Ed Krcma (essay by) p166
Naming and Unnaming: Tracing Trauma by Other Means Griselda Pollock (essay by) p176