Fook Fantasy FOOK ISLAND but of this world [title page]
Item date(s): n.d.
Walter Whall Battiss
(1906-1982) - (featured artist) Anonymous
Medium: Paper Pages: 65pp Size: 296mm Binding: Ring binder Language: English; Fook Edition: Unique
Place publication: n. p. Publisher: Privately published
Additional notes: The author of this treatise is unknown.
The Battiss family have generously made items from their collection available without which this research would have been impossible. Their help has been greatly appreciated.
All illustrations, unless otherwise indicated, are of original material from the Battiss collection.
Sole Copyright: Giles Battiss. [This is actually not the case as the copyright rests with Susan du Plessis]
There are 33 illustrations and a front cover (damaged) listed on pp57-61. Two of the illustrations (#29 & #30) have colour photographs overlaid on page 48.
The treatise was part of the Battiss Archive acquired from the Battiss family in 2021 and was originally filed in a damaged blue plastic ring-binder which was replaced with a new one.
As this item was acquired after the publication of Walter Battiss: 'I Invented Myself' in July 2016, the additional information it has brought to light was not able to be included in that publication.
However, many of the items of primary research are now housed in the library: