Size: 280mm Binding: Blue cloth; Slipcase Technique: Mixed media; Found images Edition: Unique
Type: Accordion fold - double sided
Place publication: (Johannesburg, RSA) Publisher: The artist
Reference note: The artist states:
'For this intervention, I took an existing book of drawings of the East and West sides of Manhattan by Matteo Pericoli entitled Manhattan Unfurled (published by Random House in 2001) and I drew over the drawings, thereby creating my own imaginary landscape. Some sections of the original drawings were edited out with white ink and many other sections were drawn into with black inks, pens, charcoal, china markers and brushes to alter them. At some points it is difficult to tell my drawing from the original as the intervention appropriates the style of the artist and similar-sized marks and pens were used. At other points, the interventions are very much more like my own style of drawing and tend to float over the originals. The book is a concertina-folded one with drawings on both sides that measure 676 cm when unfurled. The book is bound in cloth and fits into a cloth slipcase. The original is signed by the artist Matteo Picoli and is dated from 1998 - 2000. It is countersigned by myself and is dated 2008 - 2010.
All of these books extend my interest in the use and alteration of found objects as material for the construction of meaning in my work. I acknowledge the authorship of the text and images by the writer and artists.'
280mm x 6760mm (double sided accordion fold)
Unique but also in edition of 5 smaller versions
Exhibition notes: Included on the exhibition 'Transgressions and Boundaries of the Page', exhibited at WOORDFEES 2010. Archive Room in JS Gericke Library, University of Stellenbosch, 1st - 6th March 2010; The Gallery of the North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 15th April - 13th May 2010; the FADA Gallery, Faculty of Art Design and Architecture, University of Johannesburg, 12th - 30th July 2010.