Zwischen den Seiten - Die Schatten Durchstreifend Between the Folds - Drifting Among Shadows
Item date(s): 2016
Keith Dietrich
Medium: Paper; Tracing paper Size: 315mm Collation: Two volumes Technique: Digital print
Theme(s): Psycho-geographic walks, Dresden, Leipzig, loss of memory, concealment, loss of knowledge of histories, catastrophe, forgetting, erasure, silence.
Place publication: Stellenbosch Publisher: The artist Exhibition 2017
Reference note: The book maps out 7 psychogeographic walks that I undertook in Dresden and Leipzig where I followed my great-grandfather's 'shadow' between the places he lived in these cities before emigrating to South Africa in 1861. The work constitutes an interplay between loss of memory, silence, self-imposed silence, concealment and the loss of knowledge regarding past histories, events, entanglements and catastrophes, and plays with the notion of forgetting as repressive erasure and humiliated silence. Images and texts are read through transparent pages and between the folds as layers and intertexts inscribed over one another, and as such read as palimpsests.
Two digitally printed volumes constructed from tracing and cotton paper, sometimes punched with holes. Texts and images partly concealed in blackened pages or bound between the folds of the pages.
Digital print on cotton paper; tracing paper; book
315 x 180mm
Theme: Psycho-geographic walks, Dresden, Leipzig, loss of memory, concealment, loss of knowledge of histories, catastrophe, forgetting, erasure, silence.
Exhibition notes: ‘Booknesses: Contemporary South African Artist's Books’.