Place publication: Pretoria Publisher: The New Group
Additional notes: Two copies, Brown card cover, designed by Battiss: in cursive - "probably done off the cuff W.B."
A newspaper clipping dated 30/11/38 of "Aloes and Fruit", one of the items in the catalogue.
An undated newspaper clipping: New Art Group Formed (with an illustration of Battiss).
The publisher appears to have been Battiss personally with the cover illustration by him.
The colophon states:
Die Nuwe Groep - The New Group. Write to:- Walter W. Battis (sic) "School House", High School for Boys, Pretoria.
There are ten loose plates in a pocket at the back of the book including No.1. Aloes and Fruit by Walter W. Battiss.
Second copy signed by several of the artists on the back page was the property of Charlotte Parker. Signatures: Hendricks, Lipschitz, Dziomba, Joubert, McCaw, Kottler, Battiss, Stein-Lessing (not represented) and Preller.