Pages: unpaged Size: 288mm Binding: Spiral binding with decorated back cover Language: English; Afrikaans Inscription: Met liefde aan Walter van Elbie Kachelhoffer
Sub-type: Exhibition catalogue and invitation
Place publication: Pretoria, RSA Publisher: Hoffer Art Gallery
Additional notes: 30/02/1980: Photo album with photographs and newspaper clippings showing Walter Battiss with others, including inter alia, Esme Berman, at the opening of an exhibition at the Hoffer Art Gallery.
Hoofstad: 17/4/1980, 25/4/1980, 01/5/1980 x 2, Pretoria News: 29/4/1980. Beeld: 9/5/1980, Rand Daily Mail: 9/5/1980, Unknown: "Fook still lures Battiss"
The exhibition catalogue lists 85 items.
The cover of the invitation has an illustration of a garden scene with watering-can with Battiss's hand appearing on the right holding a sheet of paper with his signature. This image has fraudulently appeared several times for sale as an original.