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Aratus / Phaenomena / Sky Signs

Item date(s): 2022

Claire Van Vliet  - (illustrated by)
Katie MacGregor  - (bookbinding by)
Stanley Lombardo  - (translated by)
Mark Breen  - (translated by)
C. Andrew Miller-Brown  - (printed by)

Pages: 58pp
Size: 320mm
Binding: Birchwood box with lasercut label on the spine, Linen chemise
Language: English
Edition: #37/120

Place publication: Vermont
Publisher: Janus Press and Plowboy Press

Additional notes:
Booklet held in a flat on the inside front cover: Stanley Lombardo / Translator's Introduction and Notes.

Prospectus laid in.

Printed letterpress by Andrew Miller-Brown an Barcham Green Boxley.

Ref: GB/31630

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