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Shorter Finnegans Wake

Item date(s): 1968

Anthony Burgess
Walter Whall Battiss  (1906-1982) - (featured artist)

Pages: 278pp
Size: 200mm
Language: English

Place publication: London
Publisher: Faber & Faber Limited

Additional notes:
This book is from The Battiss Estate Archive.

Battiss, like many before him, attempted to come to grips with Finnegans Wake through this aid by Anthony Burgess. However, in this instance, his habit of annotating his books petered out halfway through the text (like many before him!)

Nevertheless Battiss used the text to develop or extend his creation of FOOK text with many interesting translations and concoctions.

He has used all the blank endpapers and overwrote others with his annotations. For example, on the title page:


A SHORTER ENIFF SNAG. FINIS BEGAN. awak. See Chaucer's wif wakking him oop roodly yek yek. Foonigins Wook.

by James Joyce. Jimby Jews. Jooms Joyks

edited by oodited bee

Anthony Burgess. Antoonly Bludless


London: Faber & Faber Limited. Undone: Feebler & Feebler

Ref: GB/30951

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