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Item date(s): (2024)

Reinhard Giezing

Pages: unpaged
Size: 285mm
Binding: Brown leather and wood
Language: None
Inscription: Signed by the artist
Edition: Unique

Sub-type: BSO

Place publication: Johannesburg, RSA
Publisher: The artist

Additional notes:
There is no writing in the book.

A descriptive, card is enclosed:

This book artwork is an exploration of what it means to be a speck of ink on a piece of paper.

The book is designed to work like a flipbook and thus creates two, stop motion, moving images. The two stories the stop motions tell is one of how this little spec of ink is contained on the page and only exists there as if it is captured. While the other side of the book elaborates on the possible life of a little drop of ink how it can grow, change and move. The stop motions explore how fleeting a moment can be and tempts the imagination of the viewer to consider really what it could be like to merely be ink on paper, stuck in a 2-dimentional world.

The whole book is designed to look like a brush. This in turn allows for a handle by which to hold the book while flipping through it and is a playful entanglement with the concept of a tool of creation being created and creating an experience.

Ref: GB/31665

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