Manual for Artists' Publications (MAP) Cataloging Rules, Definitions, and Descriptions
Item date(s): March, 2010
Anne Thurmann-Jajes Susanne Vögtle
- (co-author)
Pages: 239pp Size: 235mm
Place publication: Bremen, Germany Publisher: Research Centre for Artists' Publications at the Weserburg | Museum of Modern Art ISBN: 978-3-928761-82-6
Additional notes: The cataloging rules for artists' publications have been developed in thecontext of the project Living Memory, Artists' Publications in Europe; a Network for Cataloging, Preservation, and Communication.
Co-published by Lilijana Stepancic, Mednarodni graficni likovni center (MGLA), Ljubljana
CNEAI+ Centre national de l'édition et l'art imprimé, Chatou.