Pages: unpaged Size: 55mm Technique: Ballpoint pen and watercolour Inscription: Signed by the artist. Edition: Unique
Sub-type: Miniature books
Place publication: (Cape Town, RSA) Publisher: Artists Book Cat. 221 Exhibition 1996; 2019
Additional notes: On the pyramid-shaped base: "Book and Box created and constructed on Tuesday 27th Nov '90 by Giulio Tambellini". Colophon: "A book drawn and painted and bound by Giulio Tambellini, Nov 1990".
Base: 165 x 165 x 105mm.
Hannemüller paper. Ballpoint and water-colour. Cloth binding on card on both book and base.
Exhibition notes: Item 221 in the exhibition "Artists Books in the Ginsberg Collection" at the Johannesburg Art Gallery 25/8/96-27/10/96.
Samplings: South African Artists' Books, Basement Gallery, WAM. 26 March to 6 July 2019