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Papers of River Muds

Item date(s): 1990

Richard Long  - (book artist)
Jerry Sohn  - (edited by)
Wally Dawes  - (paper technician)
Madeleine Pestiaux  - (papermaker)
Les Ferriss  - (typography by)
Jeff Wasserman  - (screen printer)
Ulli Rotzscher  - (bookbinding by)
Sam Francis  - (published by)

Pages: unpaged
Size: 360mm
Inscription: Signed by the artist.
Edition: #24/88

Place publication: Los Angeles, CA
Publisher: The Lapis Press

Additional notes:
The following thirteen river papers are included: Umpqua (covers), Mississippi (front enpaper), Indragoodby, Jordan, Condamine, Avon, Chitravathri, Amazon, Rhine, Guatiquia, Huanghe, Hudson, Nairobi (rear endpaper).

Bound in quarter leather. The slipcase is also made from papers of river muds and is identified by the title of the book on the slipcase as being the Nile giving the fourteenth individual river paper.

Item 29 in The American Livre de Peintre by Elizabeth Phillips and Tony Zwicker, 1993.

Illustrated on page 220 of Artists' Books by Suzanne Swarts; Caldic Collection, 2007.

Ref: GB/10316

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