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Papermaking at Hayle Mill

Item date(s): 2008

Claire Van Vliet  - (book artist)
Maureen Green

Pages: 65pp
Size: 260mm
Inscription: Inscribed for Jack Ginsberg

Place publication: Newark, Vermont
Publisher: The Janus Press
ISBN: 978-0-9792834-1-3

Additional notes:

Hayle Mill Book. 65pp.

The Loose Valley 1856. (Map) Single gate-fold.

Mill Photographs. (with a Diagram of Hayle Mill in 1978 and 19 photographs). In folder.

Sample Papers. (12 papers in folder).

Several sample pages from the book.

All laid into a drop-back box wih title on label on the spine.

Illustrated in Joshua Heller Rare Books Catalogue #37, 2009, Item 49.

Ref: GB/11755

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