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I Know Where I'm Going

Item date(s): 1997

Lois Lane  - (illustrated by)
Ruth Lingen  - (book artist)

Pages: unpaged
Size: 324mm
Inscription: Signed by both artists.
Edition: #16/30

Place publication: New York
Publisher: Poote Press

Additional notes:
With 37 prints, mostly on Japanese and wallpaper. Printed using woodcut, linocut, photoengraing and silkscreen with additional collage. Publisher's black velvet over boards, with a handmade steel display stand. Prospectus laid in.

In an email dated 22/12/99 from Ruth Lingen to Diedre Lawrence [the curator of the Artists' Book Collection at the Brooklyn Musrum]: Artist statement. This book came out of a collabortive working relationship between Lois Lane and myself. We decided one night (while having a slumber party) to make a book which used our working lives to create something about personal life. We called it our 'girl' book, and we wanted it to be gorgeous. First titled Household Words, the book began to take form as a series of images paired with words we felt were charged with emotion. Lois made many collages over a year and a half, and became it's own story. We hoped the images would be evocative; perhaps as an adult remembers her childhood expectations of her own life, or as a mirror on our own adult expectations of ourselves or other. The title was changed with the inclusion of a mournful trad(it)ional song of the same title, a song finally about longing for what we not have.

Including a fax containing a list describing what goes into each page.

See also Additional Material.

Ref: GB/12446

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