Additional notes: 31 posters contained in a decorated card wrap-around folder with the artists, printshops & Printers and pre-publication sponsors listed on the right flap and details of the project on the back.
"In the Fall of 2011 the activity in Zuccotti Park illustrated just how much an open space with "No Demands" can produce. There was no shortage of energy an no shortage of voices, all demanding our attention. Supporters ordered countless pizzas for those of us occupying the park. When the food was finished, the empty boxes took on another life as a surface upon which occupiers visualized their hopes and dreams. . . .
This portfolio contains a collection of 31 posters selected from the pool of hundreds displayed on It is a carefully curated selection, the results of discussion and debate amoungst the Occuprint collective, as well as other arts and activist projects such as Booklyn, Occupty the Hood, Occupy Together, and the Occupied Wall Street Journal. We strove to include images that convey the diversity of viual languages, historical references, and developing desires of its culture produced by the Occupy movement. Yet as parts of this broader whole, one that is contually being made and remade, these fragments point outward. They point toward a young and dynamic social movement and toward a future that we can only begin to imagine"
Filed with this portfolio is a copy of "The Occupied Wall Street Journal" dated November 2011 with several folded full page posters including:
General Strike!
Occupy Jakarta.
Take the Bull by the Horns.
We are the 99%.
Weeatherman Sez.
Decolonize Wall Street.
Never in History did the Rich & Powerful Give Up Their Privileges Voluntarily.