Richard Tipping Kelly
- (book artist) Shaw Hendry
- (screen printer) Les Petersen
- (typography by) Carmen Delprat
- (screen printer) Michael Lenehan
- (screen printer)
Size: 296mm Inscription: Signed by the artist Edition: #25/60
Place publication: Newcastle and Wangi Wangi, Australia Publisher: Thorny Devil Press
Additional notes: Volume I: 1989. Word Works & Ideagraphics 1967-1988. Edition of 60 copies.
Volume II: July 1991. Word Works 1967-1991. Editon of 60 copies.
Volume III: between September and December 1992. Word Works 1979-1992 including works from the on-going series Roadsigned & Subvertising. Editon of between 72 and 99 copies.
Volume IV: Word Works 1993-94.Edition between 80 and 92 examples.
Volumes I-III contains twelve prints and Volume IV contains fourteen prints on Magnani Pescia 300g/m2 paper in an edition of sixty copies, the first fifty of which are boxed in sets with a frontispiece.
Each sheet is signed, dated and numbered. All sheets and frontispiece contained in a signed chemise within slipcases by the Dene Bindery, Liverpool, N.S. W. Letterpress printed at the Graphic Investigation Workshop of the Canberra Institute of the Arts.
The final volume continues the series begun in 1989 with Volume I, bringing the total to 50 prints and contains three sheets describing the series of four volumes in detail.