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Dlya Golosa
For the Voice or For Reading Out Loud

Item date(s): 1923

El Lissitzky  - (poems by)

Pages: 61pp
Size: 187mm
Language: Russian

Place publication: Berlin, Germany
Publisher: Gosizdat
Cat. 008 - MM2
Exhibition 2017

Additional notes:
LISSITZKY, El. Dlya Golosa. [For Reading Out Loud]. By Vladimir Mayakovsky. 61, [3] pp. Illustrated throughout by Lissitzky. 8vo., 187 x 132 mm, bound in original publisher's thick orange wrappers designed by Lissitzky. Housed in a cloth folding box. Berlin: Gosizdat, 1923.

Dlya Golosa is widely considered to be Lissitzky's masterpiece of modern typography. It remains one of the cornerstones of any collection of Russian Futurist books.

Lissitzky designed title-pages for each of Mayakovsky's poems, which are some of his most frequently quoted poetic works, including "Left March," "Ramble," "The Third International," "The Art Army," "Love," and "The Story of Red Riding Hood."

Lissitzky described the inspiration that prompted the innovative design of Dlya Golosa in his essay "Typographical Facts": "To make it easier for the reader to find any particular poem, I use an alphabetical (i.e. thumb-indexed) index. The book is created with the resources of the compositor's type case alone. The possibilities of two-colour printing (overlap, cross hatching and so on) have been exploited to the full. My pages stand in much the same relation to the poems as an accompanying piano to a violin. Just as the poet in his poem unites concept and sound, I have tried to create an equivalent unity using the poem and typography" (cf. Lissitzky-Kuppers, #94-108).

What resulted was an outstanding typographical success. Early signatures on front free endpaper. Minor spotting to the wrappers, but this is a fine copy of a very fragile book which is very scarce in any condition.

From Manet to Hockney 68. Nisbet, El Lissitzky 1890-1941, p. 26, plate 94 and p. 186. Leclanche-Boulé, plates 21 and 77. Johnson, Artist's Books in the Modern Era 1870-2000, No. 41.

Artists & Books 1900-Present. Ursus Books, New York, 2014. Item 23.

Illustrated on page 3 of Elizabeth Illustrated on page 16 of Elizabeth Phillips catalogue, 2014.

Exhibition notes:
Item 008 - MM2 on Booknesses: Artists' books from the Jack Ginsberg Collection.

UJ Art Gallery, University of Johannesburg

25 March to 5 May 2017

Beyond Words


20 June - 11 Aug 2023

Ref: GB/14562

© Jack Ginsberg Centre for Book Arts (JGCBA). All rights reserved.