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MW5: 1-4-7

Item date(s): 2006

E. Giulio P. Tambellini

Pages: unpaged
Size: 315mm
Inscription: Signed by the artist

Place publication: Johannesburg
Publisher: Artists Book
Cat. 20
Exhibition 2006

Additional notes:
Exhibition proof book [unfortunately with sticky tape adhering]

A photographic book with digital components.

Showing nude studies of Tambellini and his wife, Sonja Strafella, sometimes in combination.

49 pages with fold-back portions, 7x7 pages.

Combining to form one large image

35mm photograhs of male & female model

Scanning and image correction

lare pastel drawing cut up and scanned

selected text compile out of contextul thread but within the idea of the book

digital video footage & binding tape

Digital sound on binding tape

Cardboard box and covers

Layout using Adobe InDesign CS2

Printed digitally using variable sources.

Number Row Comment:

1- 1 Top right

2- 1

3- 1

4 -1 Mid row

5 -1

6- 1

7- 1 Top left

8 -2 Far right

9- 2

10 -2

11- 2 Mid row

12- 2

13- 2

14 -2 Far left

15- 3 Far right

16- 3

17- 3

18 -3 Mid row

19 -3

20 -3

21- 3 Far left

22- 4 Far right

23- 4

24 -4

25 -4 Mid row

26 -4

27 -4

28 -4 Far left

29- 5 Far right

30- 5

31- 5

32- 5 Mid row

33 -5

34 -5

35 -5 Far left

36- 6 Far left

37- 6

38- 6

39 -6 Mid row

40 -6

41- 6

42- 6 Far left

43- 7 bottom right

44- 7

45 -7

44 -7 Mid row [ sb46-7]

47- 7

48- 7

49 -7 bottom left

Reference note:
Installation consisting of digital prints assembled from a card box and displayed on a wall. Each image is attached to the card box by lengths of video tape.

Of the work, Tambellini states: I believe that artists as bookmakers are only limited by the materials available. Recently on television I saw an insert showing sheets of paper, which could capture and play back recorded sound as well as new format paper CDs. These two paper-based items were manufactured in the Far East and in the long run aim to revolutionise. Currently, digital media can't be cast like paper, woven in working form or manipulated in ways which only artists are capable of doing. Until such a day, we have to print our visual content on limited stock (anything) with little dynamic interaction possibilities or resort to other computer-based technology, such as web formats, projected or avi based communication mediums loosely known as 'new media'. If we as artists could get hold of flat, flexible, interactive computer screens which we could physically print onto, fold, or bind together, in some way to resemble a book, then we would probably have a fully digital book on our hands. My work explores something in this direction by taking the traditional elements of a book's make-up and running amok with it using digital technology. During the late eighties I was exploring the possibilities of taking electronic music synthesisers apart and embedding their trigger keys into cast paper and making interactive book objects. I have always worked in music, photography, video, but primarily exhibited the traditional art form of printmaking. The Internet has largely evolved the experience of content delivery beyond the need for the physical book as ideal package. I produce websites with the same excitement as I do books because they both possess similar interactive possibilities through navigation options. But this is another category all together. I basically hold onto the rules, while thinking in different directions at once! I am excited by the idea of hybrid technology and multi-sensory experiences through my books.

Exhibition notes:
The work was commissioned for the exhibition 'Navigating the Bookscape: Artists' Books and the Digital Interface' where it was item 20.

Aardklop Arts Festival, Potchefstroom.

25th - 30th October 2006 and the

FADA Gallery, University of Johannesburg.

5th - 13 October 2006

Ref: GB/15624

© Jack Ginsberg Centre for Book Arts (JGCBA). All rights reserved.