Size: 250mm Technique: Mixed media Edition: Unique
Theme(s): Afrikaner identity; Maps
Place publication: (Potchefstroom, RSA) Publisher: The artist
Reference note: This artist's book is part of a conversation about Afrikaner identity as suggested in André P. Brink's novel 'Duiwelskloof'. The book is a visual interpretation that take the form of a map book. There are four sections each with different aspects of the artist's investigation into the novel as well as her own visual interpretations. The concept of reality as a construct where identity is established is undertaken with photographs so to create a simulated reality. The second section of the book focuses on the novel and is divided into three layers: the environment, the settlement and the people. Brink's use of stereotypes is examined by the artist in the third section through a topographical map in which she herself is stereotypically portrayed. The final section of the map allows the viewer to have his or her own building 'Duiwelskloof' by means of elements such as stickers and a background available in the book. The viewer can then apply his or her stereotypes on the artist's stereotypes, and thus participate in the process of identity creation.
Exhibition notes: Included on the exhibition 'Transgressions and Boundaries of the Page', exhibited at WOORDFEES 2010. Archive Room in JS Gericke Library, University of Stellenbosch, 1st - 6th March 2010; The Gallery of the North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 15th April - 13th May 2010; the FADA Gallery, Faculty of Art Design and Architecture, University of Johannesburg, 12th - 30th July 2010.