Delaware Valley Chapter of Guild of Book Workers: "Hedi Kyle was honored with the presentation of a Festschrift. The hefty book was sponsored by the Delaware Valley Chapter of the Guild of Book Workers, the Philadelphia Center for the Book, and The University of the Arts Book Arts/Printmaking Program. 35 book artists contributed both scholarly articles and personal tributes."
River Lark Studio: "This book was created by the Delaware Valley Chapter of the Guild of Book Workers, the Philadelphia Center for the Book and The University of the Arts and edited by Rutherford Withus. A Festschrift is a volume of articles or essays by colleagues and admirers serving as a tribute to a scholar. The word has its root in German (Fest, festival + Schrift, writing)...a writing festival!"
Büchertiger: "39 authors contribute something from their (and Hedi Kyle's) field of work. There are contributions which present book structures ranging from folded book structures like the blizzard book presented in a purely visual way by , over the variation of the German case binding by Peter Verheyen, a pamphlet structure, and a broken back book, to the assembly of the Jacob's ladder presented by Karen Hanmer.
"There are also more theoretical articles included, some about historical book structures, some about certain issues in conservation practice or theory, others discuss developments in book art. And you'll also find some amusing stories, hinting at biographical aspects, other wink at (Hedi Kyle's style of) bookmaking as such.
"Hedi's Festschrift is a true festival and includes instructions for many of her structures written by her students/professional book artists who (no other word for it) adore her. In the spirit of her own generosity, many articles are instructions for structures not created by Hedi but shared as a kindred spirit."