1: Hunter
Olive Schreiner
- (author)
Wendy Vincent
- (illustrated by)
Peter Carstens
- (bookbinding by)
Egon Guenther
- (printed by)
2: Man's Gold
Cecil Skotnes
- (woodcuts by)
Stephen Gray
- (poems by)
Egon Guenther
- (printed by)
Peter Carstens
- (bookbinding by)
A. T. Max Mehliss
- (introduction by)
3: Rooinek
Herman Charles Bosman
- (author)
Cecil Skotnes
- (illustrated by)
Peter Carstens
- (bookbinding by)
Egon Guenther
- (printed by)
4: In Memoriam
Egon Guenther
- (printed by)
Charles Eglington
- (poem by)
Cecil Skotnes
- (illustrated by)
5: Villa at 90 (special edition)
Karel Nel
- (edited and compiled by)
Elizabeth Burroughs
- (edited and compiled by)
Amalie von Maltitz
- (edited and compiled by)
Edoardo Villa
- (title)
Esmé Berman
- (foreword by)
Vittorino Meneghelli
- (introduction by)
Egon Guenther
- (photographs by)
Mario Todeschini
- (photographs by)
James Soullier
- (photographs by)
7: Villa at 90
Karel Nel
- (edited and compiled by)
Elizabeth Burroughs
- (edited and compiled by)
Amalie von Maltitz
- (edited and compiled by)
Edoardo Villa
- (title)
Esmé Berman
- (foreword by)
Vittorino Meneghelli
- (introduction by)
Egon Guenther
- (photographs by)
Mario Todeschini
- (photographs by)
James Soullier
- (photographs by)