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Found 27 matches for: 'Jack M. Ginsberg' (results sorted by Title). Click the Title for full details.
1: Navigating the Bookscape
David Murray Paton  - (curated with an essay by)
Jack M. Ginsberg  - (foreword by)
Robyn Sassen  - (introduction by)
Kim Lieberman  - (featured artist)
E. Giulio P. Tambellini  - (featured artist)
André Venter  - (featured artist)
Marc Edwards  - (featured artist)
Paul Emmanuel  - (featured artist)
2: Artists' Books in the Ginsberg Collection
Jack M. Ginsberg  - (curated by)
David Murray Paton  - (curated by)
3: TEXTures
David Murray Paton  - (curated with an essay by)
Jack M. Ginsberg  - (curated with an introduction by)
Rosalind Cleaver  - (curated by)
Riette Zaaiman  - (foreword by)
4: Booknesses
Jack M. Ginsberg  - (title)
David Murray Paton  - (curated by)
Robyn Sassen  - (edited with an introduction by)
Federico Freschi  - (foreword by)

5: Grolier Club / Codex Foundation International Symposium
Jack M. Ginsberg  - (presentation by)
Peter Rutledge Koch  - (exhibition by)
6: Jack Ginsberg, Artists' Book Collector Par Excellence
Jack M. Ginsberg  - (title)
Christine Mullen Kreamer  - (interview by)
7: Research at the LOC on Artists' Books
Jack M. Ginsberg
8: Artists' Books in the Ginsberg Collection
Jack M. Ginsberg  - (curated by)
David Murray Paton  - (curated by)
9: Paper Craft Exhibition
Jack M. Ginsberg
10: Collecting of Artist Books
Jack M. Ginsberg
11: Legal Deposit of Books
Pippa Skotnes
Jack M. Ginsberg
12: Behind the Personal Library
Alexander Campos  - (organised by)
Johanna Drucker  - (organised by)
Jae Jennifer Rossman  - (organised by)
Tony White  - (organised by)
Jack M. Ginsberg
13: Celebrating one hundred years
Rosalind Cleaver  - (curated by)
Jack M. Ginsberg  - (curated by)
14: Creative Research
Veronika Schäpers  - (featured artist)
Robbin Ami Silverberg  - (featured artist)
Julie Chen  - (featured artist)
Jack M. Ginsberg  - (preface by)
Rosalind Cleaver  - (house catalogue)
15: Gabberjabs &c: Walter Hamady and The Perishable Press Limited
Jack M. Ginsberg  - (essay by)
Rosalind Cleaver  - (compiled by)
16: WJK In black and white and READ all over
William Kentridge  - (title)
Rosalind Cleaver  - (curated by)
Jack M. Ginsberg  - (curated by)
17: Transfigured Sackcloth
Rev. W. L. Watkinson
Jack M. Ginsberg  - (altered by)

18: Vindication of the Rights of Woman
Jack M. Ginsberg  - (altered by)
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
Mrs Henry Fawcett  - (introduction by)

19: 370 Day Project
Willem Hendrik Adriaan Boshoff
Jack M. Ginsberg  - (translated by)
Delina van Heerden  - (translated by)

20: Penelope Punctuated
Jack M. Ginsberg

21: Walter Battiss: 'I invented myself'. The Jack Ginsberg Collection
Jack M. Ginsberg  - (title)
22: Walter Battiss: "I invented myself"
Warren Siebrits  - (curated with an essay by)
Karel Nel  - (essay by)
Jack M. Ginsberg  - (essay by)
Walter Whall Battiss  (1906-1982) - (title)
23: Walter Battiss: "I invented myself"
Alison Kearney  - (compiled by)
Jack M. Ginsberg  - (title)
24: People give to People
Jack M. Ginsberg  - (featured)
25: Collection
Jack M. Ginsberg  - (featured)
Jacquie Myburgh Chemaly  - (edited by)
26: After New York
Gordon Froud  - (curated by)
Jack M. Ginsberg  - (opened by)
27: Mamba Awards
Braam Kruger
Jack M. Ginsberg  - (featured artist)

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