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Authors starting with 'C'

  1. John Carter (Book Title: Printing and the Mind of Man, ID: GB/1073)
  2. Sebastian Carter (Book Title: Twentieth Century Type Designers, ID: GB/1077)
  3. Will Carter (Book Title: Carter's Caps, ID: GB/1078)
  4. Raymond Cazelles (Book Title: Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry, ID: GB/13314)
  5. Walter Chamberlain (Book Title: Thames and Hudson Manual of Wood Engraving, ID: GB/1121)
  6. David Chambers (Book Title: English Country Bookshops, ID: GB/12536)
  7. David Chambers (Book Title: Modest Collection, ID: GB/11290)
  8. Leonard Chave (Book Title: Type for the Book Page at the Pitman Press, ID: GB/1153)
  9. Douglas Cleverdon (Book Title: Book of Alphabets for Douglas Cleverdon, ID: GB/30511)
  10. Sydney C. Cockerell (Book Title: Old Testament Miniatures, ID: GB/1260)
  11. Sidney Colvin (Book Title: Catalogue of British and American Book Plates Bequeathed to the Trustees of the British Museum by Sir Augustus Wollaston Franks, ID: GB/16026)
  12. Margery Corbett (Book Title: Comely Frontispiece, ID: GB/1363)
  13. Corviniana (Book Title: Bibliotheca Corviniana, ID: GB/1371)
  14. M. C. Croockewit (Book Title: Exlibris der Nederlandse Medici, ID: GB/16009)

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