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V&A's Artists’ books : interviews with artists

The artists respond to the following questions:
1) Do you consider yourself specifically a 'book artist' or just an 'artist'?
2) Do you have any formal education or training in the book arts? If not, what was your route into making artists' books?
3) What materials, techniques and themes do you use in your work?
4) Do your books continue in the tradition of the livre d'artiste in the early 20th century; follow in the footsteps of those reacting against the establishment (e.g. Ed Ruscha) in the 1960s; or use the book as a conceptual starting point to create book objects; or cross all these categories, or fit into none?
5) How do you see artists' books and the book arts in general sitting in relation to the contemporary art world?
6) To someone who doesn't know what artists' books are, which artists, or particular books would you advise them to look at?
Visit the interviews at:

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Click the image for a view of:

Click the image for a view of: Jackie Batey
Jackie Batey
Click the image for a view of: Sarah Bodman
Sarah Bodman
Click the image for a view of: John Dilnot
John Dilnot
Click the image for a view of: Susan Johanknecht
Susan Johanknecht
Click the image for a view of: Angela Lorenz
Angela Lorenz
Click the image for a view of: Marshall Weber
Marshall Weber


© Jack Ginsberg Centre for Book Arts (JGCBA). All rights reserved.