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Artists' Book Cornucopia IV

Eligibility and Media

This exhibition is open to any artist 18 years of age or older. If you live outside the United States, please contact gallery for additional submission guidelines.

Eligible are any artist bookworks other than SPOD (Self Published On Demand such as Lulu, Blurb and so forth). Books may be editioned or unique, sculptural or more traditionally bound, interactive or passive. Books that measure more than 18 inches (closed) or 48 inches (open) in any dimension are ineligible.

A maximum of three artworks may be submitted per artist. If your work requires special installation, please inquire before submitting your entry to be certain the gallery will accommodate entry requirements.

February 23 is the deadline to submit entries.

Please read these details:

The entry fee for this exhibit is $18 for the first entry, $12 per additional entries (up to 3 total). Please send gallery quality images without background clutter or text. If your work is accepted for exhibition, the images you enter with as well as the text you provide will be used for print & digital publicity. Images not up to gallery quality will be excluded from publicity, including online & print catalogs.

It is expected that submitting artists are not violating any stated or implied relationship with another gallery or dealer by submitting work for this exhibiton and that the artist/creator of the work is not in violation of any copyright laws. 

Please note that you will not be able to change the information, including the price, after the submission process.

Jurors & Awards

Entries will be juried by Mary MurphyVisual Resources Librarian at the Savannah College of Art and Design - Atlanta. Up to $1500 in purchase and exhibition awards will be awarded at gallery director’s discretion.

First prize is a solo show in Abecedarian Gallery’s Reading Room Spring 2014.


It is expected that all work exhibited be for sale. Sales will be encouraged. Abecedarian Gallery retains 40% on all sales. The prices you submit during the entry process are the retail prices the gallery will adhere to throughout the duration of the exhibition.


There will be a print and online color catalog in conjunction with the exhibition. Print catalogs will be for sale during and after the exhibition. The online catalog will remain online during and after the exhibition.

Accepted Entries

Works must be delivered ready for installation/display. Gallery reserves the right not to exhibit any work not accurately represented by the digital entry, that arrives damaged, is not properly prepared for exhibition or is deemed too fragile for effective display.


All shipping & shipping insurance costs to & from the gallery are the responsibility of the artist. Shipping instructions will be sent to accepted artists at time of notification of acceptance.


Submission of entry constitutes agreement to all conditions in this Prospectus. Please do not submit works unless you have first read these details.

Contact Alicia with any questions.

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© Jack Ginsberg Centre for Book Arts (JGCBA). All rights reserved.