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Seventy metal books, found 5 years ago in a cave in Jordan, reported now

From the Mail Online 30 March 2011

For scholars of faith and history, it is a treasure trove too precious for price.

This ancient collection of 70 tiny books, their lead pages bound with wire, could unlock some of the secrets of the earliest days of Christianity. Academics are divided as to their authenticity but say that if verified, they could prove as pivotal as the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in 1947. 

The books were discovered five years ago in a cave in a remote part of Jordan to which Christian refugees are known to have fled after the fall of Jerusalem in 70AD. Important documents from the same period have previously been found there. Initial metallurgical tests indicate that some of the books could date from the first century AD.

* Read more of 

'Could this be the biggest find since the Dead Sea Scrolls? Seventy metal books found in cave in Jordan could change our view of Biblical history' at:

* See also BBC NEWS's Robert Pigott's 

'Jordan battles to regain 'priceless' Christian relics' of 29 March at:

* and Wikipedia's 

'Jordan Lead Codices' of 31 March at:

This site continues to be updated and refined

* and David Meadows' & Rogueclaccisism's 

'Lead Codices Silliness' of 30 March at:

* as well as perhaps the earliest of the skeptical blogs, Jim West's & Zwinglius Redivivus' 

'Secret Writings About the Last Years of Jesus?' of 21 March at:


* which are all derived, in some way, from perhaps the earliest of all the references to the tablet-books, The Jewish Chronicle Online's Simon Rocker of 3 March, titled: 

'Heavy metal secrets from a Mid-East cave' at:

* However Daniel O. McClennan's 'Peter Thonemann on the Lead Codices' 

of 31 March, attempts to carefully show how the codices 'are forgeries executed in the last 50 years' at:

Of interest is that McClennan's blog updates and thus includes a range of up-to-date responses to his initial post

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Click the image for a view of: One of the metal tablets, Photo: David Elkington/Rex Features
One of the metal tablets, Photo: David Elkington/Rex Features


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