Exhibition: Artists' Books from the Ginsberg Collection

Intro |  Contents |  Floor plan |  Jack Ginsberg's essay |  David Paton's essay |  David Bunn's opening address
Jack Ginsberg's opening address |  Catalogue of books |  Source List

Chapter 10. Artists' Books as Personal / Private Document

Some auratic works are personal and often in single editions: See Paul Emmanuel's Nomina Sunt Numina (Cat: 180), while most private documents are not at all auratic. Although it has been our desire not to impose any definition of artists' books onto the viewer (instead exploring some diverse and overlapping "fields of exploration") some books are, without pretence, a document of very private meditations or concerns.

In this chapter we also draw attention to books which have been entirely handmade as an autographic work without any repeatable graphic imagery or text.

© Jack Ginsberg Centre for Book Arts (JGCBA). All rights reserved.