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Forum Book Art (22)
22. Ausgabe. 2004/2005.

Item date(s): 2004

Heinz Stefan Bartkowiak  - (edited by)

Pages: 635pp
Size: 210mm
Edition: #98/100

Sub-type: Catalogue

Place publication: Hamburg, Germany
Publisher: Heinz Stefan Bartkowiak

Additional notes:
Kompendium Zeitgenössischer Handpressendrucke, Malerbücher, Künstlerbücher, Einblattdrucke, Mappenwerke und Buchobjekte.

Compendium of Contemporary Fine Prints, Artists' Books, Broadsides, Portfolios and Book Objects.

The regular issue of this 22nd edition contains three colored original prints: A multi-colored page by Inge Bruggeman of INK-A! Press in Portland, Oregon, USA, a colored linoleim print by H. D. Golzenleuchter of Bochum, and a wood cut by Hanif Lehmann of Radebeul near Dresden. This is the ninth special edition of 100 copies + 10 copies accompanying the regular edition. Packaged together in a single slipcase with a portfolio with ten signed and numbered original prints by ten artists in a red folder.

This compendium is a bibliographic edition containing information and support for collectors, book dealers, museums, and libraries. It offers a current overview of the book art world.

Bilingual German / English edition: some articles in only one language and some in both.

Including Book Recommendations and indices of addresses, artists, authors, printers, typographers, bookbinders, paper and advertisers.

Only those pertinent articles have been indexed; there are many other peripheral articles in the book.

Ref: 1190


15 Years of "Bartkowiak's forum book art"
 Heinz Stefan Bartkowiak (essay by)
   Also in German at p15.

KünstlerBücher - die Sammlung Reinhard Grüner
 Reinhard Grüner (essay by)

Das internationale Festival des essbaren Buches 2004
 Till Schröder (essay by)

Intellectual Sustenance: On eating books and the written word
 Hans-Walter Schmidt-Hannisa (essay by)
   Also in German at p25.

Ausdruk eines befreiten Individualismus. Das Künstlerbuch in St. Petersburg
 Dr Ernst Fischer (essay by)

From the End of Gutenberg to the Self-printing Book
 Dr Ernst Fischer (essay by)
   Also in German at p42.

Book Arts at the Centre for Fine Print Research UK
 Sarah Bodman (essay by)

Orpheus and Euridice 'on demand'
 Dr. Piotr O. Scholz (essay by)
   Also in German at p76.

Kunststempel - Stempelkunst
 Henning Mittendorf (essay by)

GaragenDruk - an unusual approach to the art of printing
 Traute Langner-Geissler (essay by)
   Also in German at p124.

30 Years Women's Studio Workshop
 Ann Kalmbach (essay by)

Printer's Prosit: Mariannen-press celebrates its 25th anniversary
 Dr. Hannes Schwenger (essay by)
   Alsoin German at p482.

From Dodo to Dada
 Catherine Cradwick (essay by)

10 Years Stichting Boek/Werk/Onderzoek
 Joseph Johannes Visser (essay by)

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