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Kompendium Zeitgenössischer Handpressendrucke (04)
4. Ausgabe. 1/1990. Compendium of Contemporary Hand Press Printing.

Item date(s): 1990

Heinz Stefan Bartkowiak  - (edited with an introduction by)

Pages: 325pp
Size: 208mm

Sub-type: Catalogue

Place publication: Hamburg, Germany
Publisher: Heinz Stefan Bartkowiak

Additional notes:
Lieferbare Bücher, Mappenwerke, Einblattdrucke, Malerbücher und Buchobjekte. (Available books, portfolios and singlepage prints).

Only those pertinent articles have been indexed; there are many other peripheral articles in the book which are listed in the comprehensive index in the Compress (1977).

Ref: 1231

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