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Kompendium Zeitgenössischer Handpressendrucke (05B)
5. Ausgabe. 2/1990 B. Compendium of Contemporary Hand Press Printing. New Publications 1990.

Item date(s): 1990

Heinz Stefan Bartkowiak  - (edited with an introduction by)

Pages: 258pp
Size: 208mm

Sub-type: Catalogue

Place publication: Hamburg, Germany
Publisher: Heinz Stefan Bartkowiak

Additional notes:
Bücher, Mappenwerke, Einblattdrucke, Malerbücher und Buchobjekte. (Books, portfolios and singlepage prints).

Only those pertinent articles have been indexed; there are many other peripheral articles in the book which are listed in the comprehensive index in the Compress (1977).

Ref: 1233


The Fascination of paper (Faszination Papier)
 Dorothea Eimert (essay by)

The History of paper (Geschichte des Papiers)
 Peter Tschudin (essay by)

Hand papermaking (Papierherstellung von Hand)
 John Gerard (essay by)

Japanpapier - ein Geschenk der Götter
 Hans-Joachim Drissler (essay by)

 Armin Renker (essay by)

Marbled Paper (Über Marmorpapier)
 Gisela Reschke (essay by)

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