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Forum Book Art (17)
17. Ausgabe 1999-2000.

Item date(s): 1999

Heinz Stefan Bartkowiak  - (edited with an introduction by)

Pages: 638pp
Size: 210mm

Sub-type: Catalogue

Place publication: Hamburg, Germany
Publisher: Heinz Stefan Bartkowiak

Additional notes:
Kompendium zeitgenössischer Handpressendrucke, Malerbücher, Künstlerbücher, Einblattdrucke, Mappenwerke und Buchobjekte.

Compendium of Contemporary Fine Prints, Artist Books, Broadsides, Portfolios and Book Objects.

The regular issue of this 17th edition contains three colored original prints. This is the forth special edition of 100 copies + 10 copies accompanying the regular edition. Packaged together in a single slipcase with a portfolio with ten signed and numbered original prints by ten artists in a red folder.

This compendium is a bibliographic edition containing information and support for collectors, book dealers, museums, and libraries. It offers a current overview of the book art world.

Bilingual German / English edition: some articles in only one language and some in both.

Including Book Recommendations, Workshops and indices of addresses, artists, authors, printers, typographers, bookbinders, paper and advertisers.

Only those pertinent articles have been indexed; there are many other peripheral articles in the book.

Ref: 1247


Buch … Druck … Kunst e. V.
 Anonymous (essay by)
   Gesellschaft zur Förderung zeitgenössischer Buchkunst mit Sitz in Hamburg.

The Origin of Artists' Books
 Piedad Solans Blanco (essay by)

Whither Letterpress?
 Paul Hayden Duensing (essay by)

Book Art at the End of the 20th Century or The End of Book Art?
 Reinhard Grüner (essay by)
   Also in German at p24: Die Buchkunst am Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts oder Die Buchkunst am Ende?

Balance of Text and Image
 Wulf D. von Lucius (essay by)
   Also in German at p38: Balance von Text und Bild.

The Wayzgoose Press
 Richard Brown (essay by)

Michail Karasik und das russische Künstlerbuch
 Helgard Sauer (essay by)

Almost Without any Letters. . . Reflections on the Book Objects of Ilona Kiss
 Ilona Kiss (title)
 Reinhard Grüner (essay by)
   Also in German at p486: Fast ohne Buchstaben . . . Gedanken zu den Buchobjekten von Ilona Kiss.

Journey inside a Book
 Radoslaw Nowakowski (essay by)

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