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Item date(s): November 1981

Walter Whall Battiss  (1906-1982) - (cover by)

Pages: 15pp
Size: 295mm
Language: Flemish

Place publication: Brussels, Belgium
Publisher: Persdinst van de Ampassade van de Republiek van Zuid-Afrika
Volume XXVI
Number 11

Additional notes:
Despite the fact that the cover illustration is by Walter Battiss (in his famous sgraffito style), he is not attributed as the artist in the index or elsewhere in the publication. Perhaps, considering the publication, he preferred to remain incognito.

The magazine gives a fascinating insight into a high-apartheid propaganda publication and it is unthinkable that Battiss would have given his permission for his illustration to be used considering his opposition to the apartheid government.

Ref: GB/30637

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