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Americans in Print
Zeitgenossische Buchkunst in den USA

Item date(s): 1989

Beate Szerelmy
Eva-Maria Hanebutt-Benz

Pages: 44pp
Size: 285mm

Sub-type: Exhibition catalogue

Place publication: Mainz
Publisher: Gutenberg-Museum

Additional notes:
Exhibition: 5/5/89-18/6/89.

Featured artists listed.


Red Ozier Press

Tiramisu Press

The Perishable Press

Something Else Press

The Post Press

Paradise Press

Assembling Press


Vestige Press

Atelier du Livre

Triangular Press

Silver Buckle Press

Landlocked Press

Tatlin Books

The Janus Press

Ref: 2276


Featured Artists
 Pati Scobey (featured artist)
 Kate van Houten (featured artist)
 Walter (Samuel Haatoum) Hamady (featured artist)
 Martha L. Carothers (featured artist)
 Dick Higgins (featured artist)
 Susan E. King (featured artist)
 Hedi Kyle (featured artist)
 Barbara Tetenbaum (featured artist)
 Claire Van Vliet (featured artist)
 Richard Kostelanetz (featured artist)
 Kevin Osborn (featured artist)
 Steve Miller (featured artist)
 Erica Van Horn (featured artist)
 Joan A. Wolbier (featured artist)
 Paul Zelevansky (featured artist)
 Ken Botnick (featured artist)
 Marta Gomez (featured artist)
 Jeanette McGrath (featured artist)
 Sam Pappas (featured artist)
 Alexandra Soteriou (featured artist)
 Walter Tisdale (featured artist)
 Scott McCarney (featured artist)

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