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Mesmerik Poo
Writtet Fookbat

Item date(s): 1980

Walter Whall Battiss  (1906-1982)

Pages: 19pp
Size: 420mm
Edition: #1/6

Place publication: Pretoria
Publisher: Artists Book
Previous reference GB/14945
Battiss bibliography 29

Additional notes:
This item comprises three copies.

1. Original unbound pages:

15 A3 pages and 1 A4 photocopy:

2 pages of Dugong: Fook script white on black paper.

8 pages of Fook text (not Fook script). The title page is the A4 photocopy.

6 pages of photo-manipulated portraits.


2. An original from the Battiss Estate Archive [19pp]:

1 Title page with white text on black background (photocopy)

1 Second page is in Battiss's cursive (photocopy):

I wrote the script & took the photographs. W.B.

This book was on my Retrospective at Art Gallery, Johannesburg. 1979. Nowhere else.

"Even the proper names in Stravinsky's text, (Lec Noves "The Wedding") such as Palagy or

Savelyouchka, belong to no one in particular. THEY WERE CHOSEN FOR THEIR SOUND,

their syllables and their Russian typicality."

[from PROGRAM NOTES by ARTHUR F. EDWARDS. Los Angeles Master Chorale Mass in G

minor by Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872-1958)

master-chorale-and-sinfonia-ensemble.html (jmg ed.)]

1 page transcribing the Dugong (Sandy Eastwood's writing?)

2 pages of Dugong: Fook script white on black background.

8 pages of Fook text (not Fook script).

6 pages of photo-manipulated portraits.


3. Book in burgundy faux-leather produced by Giles Battiss in an edition of six with the Fook Island

Janus stamp on the first page of Dugong.

All pages (apart from the Fook text) are copies. Each page is interleaved with thick blank card to

give the book more substance.

The text on the last page is not contained in any of the above examples:

"Today I raised a small flag high up in he garden.

Flip-flap Fook Flag

Green stain in the sky

You want to come back

You said goodbye

...... Who is your lover now!


Speaking of Islands of Pleasure.

... David du Busson (Chef d'protoco) [who wrote "Driehonderd jaar later - die nageslag van

David du Buisson in Suid-Afrika" (jmg ed.)]

tells me the Chinese have a saying that "life is a sea of misery with only a few islands of

pleasure to be found".

Ref: SA/2442

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