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Tunnel Vision

Item date(s): 2004

Maria G. Pisano  - (book artist)
Mary Ann Miller  - (assisted by)
Valerie Linhart  - (assisted by)

Pages: unpaged
Size: 210mm
Binding: Perspex cover
Edition: #4/25

Type: Tunnel book

Place publication: Plainsboro, NJ
Publisher: Memory Pess
ISBN: 0-9761941-0-4

Additional notes:
Incorporates letterpress, collagraph, intaglio, relief, lithography, chine colle, and digital printing. The font for the poem and other text is Frutiger. A tunnel book, printed on Rives BFK and Sekishu; when opened it measures 8" W x 80" L.

The book was editioned at The Experimental Printmaking Institute at Lafayette College, The University of The Arts, and the artist's studio.

Ref: GB/15402

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