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Found 86 matches for: 'Ria ' (results sorted by Title). Click the Title for full details.
1: Pas de Deux
Tatjana Bergelt
Maria Appelberg  - (designed by)
Tume Vuorenmaa  - (printed by)
Vladimar Nabokov  - (text by)
2: Thick Time
William Kentridge  - (title)
Iwona Blazwick  - (edited with an introduction by)
Sabine Breitwieser  - (edited with an introduction by)
Poul Erik Tojner  - (introduction by)
Maria Balshaw  - (edited by)
3: Post Scriptum. Artiste in Italia tra linguaggio e immagine negli anni '60 e'70.
Anna Maria Fioravanti Baraldi  - (curated by)
4: Arc Unbound
Stefan Soltek  - (curated with an introduction by)
Victoria Bean  - (featured artist)
Rick Myers  - (featured artist)
Karen Bleitz  - (featured artist)
Sam Winston  - (featured artist)
5: This is Not a Love Thing
Victoria Bean

6: Libri d'artista
Giorgio Maffei  - (curated by)
Angela Vettese  - (curated by)
Valeria Bellavia  - (collaborator)
7: William Kentridge [2014]
Valeria Burgio
William Kentridge  - (title)
8: Kronikarki - The Chroniclers. Photographs of Warsaw 1945-1946
Maria Chrazaszczowa  - Author
9: Book as a Work of Art
Giorgio Maffei  - (curated by)
Maura Picciau  - (curated by)
Maria Vittoria Marini Clarelli  - (foreword by)
10: Artist Survey
Doug Spowart
Victoria Cooper
11: Homage to Seferis
Andrew Verster  - (illustrated by)
George Seferis  - (poems by)
Dian Joubert  - (translated by)
Malcolm Christian  - (screen printer)
Maria Criticos  - (design and typography)

12: Discussion of 23 drawings by Walter Battiss
Walter Whall Battiss  (1906-1982) - (title)
Pablo Picasso  - (featured artist)
Victoria Cullinan  - (author)
13: Walter Battiss
Walter Whall Battiss  (1906-1982) - (featured artist)
Victoria Cullinan
14: Miniature Museum
Ria & Lex Daniels  - Author
15: This Paper is Intentionally Blank
Geoff Cox
Victoria de Rijke
Sophie Weeks
16: Book Works Catalogue 2003
James Brook  - (compiled by)
Maria Fusco  - (compiled by)
17: Book Works Catalogue 2004
Stephen Bury  - (foreword by)
Paul Claydon  - (introduction by)
James Brook  - (compiled by)
Maria Fusco  - (compiled by)
18: Put About: A Critical Anthology of Independent Publishing
Maria Fusco  - (edited with an introduction by)
Ian Hunt  - (edited by)
19: Sense: Absence
Maria Fusco  - (foreword by)
20: Libros, Objetos Y Multiples. 1978-199.
Galeria Estampa
21: White Curtains Diary
Valeria Geselev  - (project by)
Frank Lunar  - (illustrated by)
Nokulunga Zondo  - (poem by)

22: Fortuna
William Kentridge
Maria Antonia Giraldo  - (translated by)
Ernesto Ardila  - (translated by)
23: Work of Atget. Volume 1: Old France
Eugene Atget  - Author
John Szarkowski  - (essay by)
Maria Morris Hambourg  - (Notes)
24: Work of Atget. Volume 2: Art of Old Paris
Eugene Atget  - Author
Maria Morris Hambourg  - (essay by)
Maria Morris Hambourg  - (Notes to the Plates)
25: Work of Atget. Volume 3: The Ancien Régime
Eugene Atget  - Author
Maria Morris Hambourg  - (essay by)
John Szarkowski  - (Notes to the Plates)
26: Unwegsame Gebeite"
Eva-Maria Hanebutt-Benz
Wolfgang Buchta
27: Americans in Print
Beate Szerelmy
Eva-Maria Hanebutt-Benz
28: BuchKunst 1996
Eva-Maria Hanebutt-Benz  - (foreword by)
29: Going Out - Artist's Books from Korea
Eva-Maria Hanebutt-Benz  - (foreword by)
Jaejal Seo  - (foreword by)
Seungcheol Lee  - (preface by)
30: Typen
Albert Spindler
Eva-Maria Hanebutt-Benz  - (foreword by)
31: Cuba La Fotografia de Los Anos 60
Maria E. Haya  - Author
32: Beyond the Page: Artists' Books, Artists' Choice
John I. Russell  - (preface by)
Gloria Helfgott  - (curated with an introduction by)
33: SoCalled Books
Gloria Helfgott  - (curated with an introduction by)
34: Black, White & Read
Bill Stewart  - (preface by)
Gloria Helfgott  - (curated with a preface by)
Alexander Campos  - (introduction by)
35: Space in Hand
Gloria Helfgott  - (book artist)
Constance Woo  - (introduction by)
36: Down the Rabbit Hole
Gloria Helfgott  - (book artist)

37: Traveling Light on a Short Journey
Gloria Helfgott

38: Arachne
Gloria Helfgott
39: Eldorado
Gloria Helfgott

40: Scrap Book
Gloria Helfgott

41: Macintosh Road Test
Corinne Carlson  - (book artist)
Karen Henderson  - (book artist)
Maria Hlandy  - (book artist)
42: Demob Album - Russian Art Brut
Mikhail Karasik  - (curated by)
Peter Bely  - (curated by)
Maria Korosteleva  - (curated by)
43: Visual Poetry of Mirella Bentivoglio
Anna Maria Lelli  - (foreword by)
Mirella Bentivoglio  - (title)
44: Trying to Get in Between
Maria Lindberg
45: George Baselitz Künstlerbücher
Maria Linsmann  - (edited with a preface by)
46: Noria Mabasa
Kathryn Staughan
Wilhelm van Rensburg  - (educational supplement by)
Noria Mabasa  - (title)
47: 2017 Scholarship for Advanced Studies in Book Arts
Amber Heaton  - (featured artist)
Norah Maki  - (featured artist)
Maria Veronica San Martin  - (featured artist)
48: Within Loving Memory of the Century
Azaria J. C. Mbatha  (1941-)
49: Beetle
Maria M. Mudd  - (text by)
Wendy Smith-Griswold  - (illustrations by)
50: Butterfly
Maria M. Mudd  - (text by)
Wendy Smith-Griswold  - (illustrations by)
51: Komma
Antonia Hirsch  - (book artist)
Lee Podesva  - (essay by)
Dalton Trumbo  - (author)
Maria Muhle  - (essay by)
52: Jacob's Ladder
Victoria Nelson
53: L'Italia Fuori di'Italia
Paola Agosti  - Author
Maria Rosaria Ostuni  - Author
54: Elizabeth I
Maria Perry
55: Radio as Art
James Thurber  - (edited with an introduction by)
Ursula Frohne  - (edited with an introduction by)
Jee-Ha Kim  - (edited with an introduction by)
Maria Peters  - (edited with an introduction by)
Franziska Rauh  - (edited with an introduction by)
Sarah Rothe  - (edited with an introduction by)
56: Book as Witness
Maria G. Pisano  - (curated with an introduction by)
57: Seven Voyages
Michael Pisano  - (illustrated by)
Maria G. Pisano  - (book artist)
58: Hecatombe 9-11
Maria G. Pisano
59: Tunnel Vision
Maria G. Pisano  - (book artist)
Mary Ann Miller  - (assisted by)
Valerie Linhart  - (assisted by)
60: Under Cover: ABC of Banned Books
Maria G. Pisano

61: Via Dolorosa
Maria G. Pisano
62: Buzz Spector
Maria Porges  - (introduction by)
63: Uncommon Thread
Jody Alexander  - (book artist)
Lisa Kokin  - (book artist)
Donna Seager  - (curated with a forward by)
Maria Porges  - (essay by)
64: UnMatched Halves
Maria F. Porges
65: 21 for 25
Maria Pranzo  - (introduction by)
Roberta Waddell  - (juried by)
Inverna Lockpez  - (juried by)
66: Häuser meiner Strasse
Enric Casasses  - (poem by)
Victòria Rabal  - (images by)
John Gerard  - (book artist)
67: ABSA L'Atelier 2010
Maria Ramos  - (foreword by)
Cecile Loedolff  - (curated by)
Eunice Basson  - (curated by)
Gwen Miller  - (introduction by)
68: ABSA L'Atelier 2011
Maria Ramos  - (foreword by)
Paul Bayliss  - (compiled by)
Vulindlela Nyoni  - (introduction by)
69: Absa L'Atelier 2013
Maria Ramos  - (foreword by)
Dirkie Offringa  - (preface by)
Margaret Slabbert  - (introduction by)
70: Barclays L'Atelier
Maria Ramos  - (foreword by)
71: [co]production
Myer Taub
Maria Fidel Regueros  - (curated with a preface by)
Matthew Partridge  - (interview by)
72: Markings
Marilyn Bridges  - (photographs by)
Haven O'More  - (preface by)
Lucy R. Lippard  - (essay by)
Maria Reiche  - (essay by)
Charles Gallenkamp  - (essay by)
Keith Critchlow  - (essay by)
73: Factor über jandl
Anna Helm  - (book artist)
Jan Faktor  - (poem by)
Ernst Jandl  - (poem by)
Rainer Maria Rilke  - (poem by)
74: Notebooks of Malte Laurids Briggs
Rainer Maria Rilke
75: Selected Poems of Rainer Maria Rilke
Rainer Maria Rilke
76: Moving Memorials
Maria Veronica San Martin  - (featured artist)
Matias Celedon  - (essay by)
Marshall Weber  - (essay by)
Florencia San Martin  - (essay by)
77: War in Europe (Bosnia)
Peter Maria Schäfer  - Author
78: Decorative Art and Modern Interiors
Maria Schofield  - (edited by)
79: Ulrich Klieber
Ulrich Klieber  - (title)
Hajo Düchting  - (essay by)
Sabine Golde  - (essay by)
Eva-Maria Seng  - (essay by)
80: Historical Exhibition of South African Art
Maria Stein-Lessing  - (featured artist)
Walter Whall Battiss  (1906-1982) - (foreword by)
81: Walter Battiss
Walter Whall Battiss  (1906-1982) - (featured artist)
Maria Stein-Lessing  - (introduction by)
82: Walter Battiss
Walter Whall Battiss  (1906-1982) - (title)
Maria Stein-Lessing  - (introduction by)
83: l'Afrique: A Tribute to Maria Stein-Lessing and Leopold Spiegel
Nessa Leibhammer  - (curated by)
Natalie Knight  - (curated by)
Maria Stein-Lessing  - (title)
Leopold Spiegel  - (title)
84: Danish Artists' Books
Thomas Hvid Kromann  - (edited with a foreward by)
Louise Hold Sidenius  - (edited with a foreward by)
Maria Kjaer Themsen  - (edited with a foreward by)
Marianne Vierø  - (edited with a foreward by)
85: Suite Lirica
Jose Maria Martin Triana
86: Artists' Books
Maria White
Patrick Perratt
Liz Lawes

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