Search: International Artists Books

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Found 305 matches for: 'UG' (results sorted by Title). Click the Title for full details.
1: Bushman Tribes of Southern Africa
Walter Whall Battiss  (1906-1982) - (letter to)
A. M. Duggan-Cronin  - (photographs by)
Dorothea F. Bleek  - (introduction by)
2: Alpha
Doug Aitken
3: Write-in Jerry Brown President
Doug Aitken  - (book artist)
John Bowe  - (text by)
4: Diamond Sea
Doug Aitken

5: Size Ten
Alan Alborough  - (title)
6: Transcode
Gwen Miller  - (curated with an essay by)
Lawrence Lemaoana  - (featured artist)
Celia de Villiers  - (featured artist)
Frikkie (Frederik) Eksteen  - (essay by)
Marcus Neustetter  - (featured artist)
Carol Parton  - (featured artist)
Churchill Madikida  - (featured artist)
Nathaniel Stern  - (featured artist)
Colleen Alborough  - (featured artist)
Sello Mahlangu  - (featured artist)
Fabian Wargau  - (featured artist)
Minnette Vari  - (featured artist)
Gwen Miller  - (featured artist)
7: Liberazione
Maurizio Rasca
Ruggero Aprile di Cimia  - (introduction by)
8: Atget Paris
Eugene Atget  - Author
9: Atget: Photographe de Paris (Books on Books series)
Eugene Atget  - Author
10: Atget: the Pioneer
Eugene Atget  - Author
Jean-Claude Lemagny  - (edited by)
11: Atget's Churches
Eugene Atget  - Author
12: Atget's Seven Albums
Eugene Atget  - Author
13: Vision of Paris: The Photographs of Eugène Atget. The Words of Marcel Proust
Eugene Atget  - Photographer
Marcel Proust  - Words by
14: Work of Atget. Volume 1: Old France
Eugene Atget  - Author
John Szarkowski  - (essay by)
Maria Morris Hambourg  - (Notes)
15: Work of Atget. Volume 2: Art of Old Paris
Eugene Atget  - Author
Maria Morris Hambourg  - (essay by)
Maria Morris Hambourg  - (Notes to the Plates)
16: Work of Atget. Volume 3: The Ancien Régime
Eugene Atget  - Author
Maria Morris Hambourg  - (essay by)
John Szarkowski  - (Notes to the Plates)
17: Work of Atget. Volume 4: Modern Times
Eugene Atget  - Author
John Szarkowski  - (essay by)
18: Eugene Atget
Eugene Atget  - Author
19: Without Prior Warning
Michael Augustin
20: Lit by the Earth's Dark Blood
Jane Augustine

21: Manhattan in Maps
Robert T. Augustyn
22: Hiddenness
Richard Tuttle  - (illustrated by)
Mei-Mei Berssenbrugge  - (poem by)
Peter Kruty  - (letterpress by)
George and Catherine Wieck  - (bookbinding by)
23: Art That Speaks Volumes
Nancy A. Ruhling  - (essay by)
Douglas Beube  - (title)
24: Doug Beube: Breaking the Codex
Douglas Beube  - (title)
Marion Cohn  - (edited by)
David Revere McFadden  - (introduction by)
25: Unframed Photograph
Alexander Campos  - (organised by)
Douglas Beube  - (organised by)
26: Odd Volumes
Allan Chasanoff  - (title)
Douglas Beube  - (curated by)
Pamela Franks  - (foreword by)
Jock Reynolds  - (introduction by)
27: Feed Me, Fuck Me, Forget Me
Douglas Beube  - (book artist)
28: Hollow Words
Douglas Beube

29: Manhattan Street Romance
Douglas Beube
30: Miscellanies
Augustine Birrell
31: More Obiter Dicta
Augustine Birrell
32: Obiter Dicta - First Series
Augustine Birrell
33: Obiter Dicta - Second Series
Augustine Birrell
34: Selected Essays. 1884-1907
Augustine Birrell
35: Prehistoric Painting
Alan Houghton Brodrick
Walter Whall Battiss  (1906-1982) - (featured artist)
36: Vacant Frame
Robert Brough
John R. Smith  - (illustrated by)
37: Animal
Tony Conrad
Barbara Broughel
38: Ed Ruscha
Neal Benezra
Kerry Brougher  - (edited by)
James T. Demetrion  - (foreword by)
39: Hiroshi Sugimoto
Pia Müller-Tamm
Hiroshi Sugimoto  - (title)
Kerry Brougher
40: New Directions in Bookbinding
Philip Smith
Edgar Mansfield  - (introduction by)
Emilio Brugalla  - (foreword by)
41: Inge Bruggeman: Deposits
Inge Bruggeman  - (title)
42: Reclamation
Betty Bright  - (curated with an introduction by)
Jeff Thomas  - (curated with a preface by)
Ruth R. Rogers  - (essay by)
Casey Gardner  - (featured artist)
Inge Bruggeman  - (featured artist)
43: Infinite Between Us
Inge Bruggeman  - (book artist)

44: Quickest Forever
Inge Bruggeman
45: no one wants to play the victim no one when there is a gun involved and blue
Laura Wetherington
Inge Bruggeman  - (book artist)

46: Heavy Lifting
Felicia Rice  - (bookartist)
Teresa Whitehill  - (poems by)
Inge Bruggeman  - (foreword by)
Craig Jensen  - (bookbinding by)

47: Sonia Delaunay
Sonia Delaunay  - (title)
Robert T. Buck  - (foreword by)
Sherry Buckberrough  - (essay by)
48: Tarzan
Edgar Rice Burroughs
49: Villa at 90 (special edition)
Karel Nel  - (edited and compiled by)
Elizabeth Burroughs  - (edited and compiled by)
Amalie von Maltitz  - (edited and compiled by)
Edoardo Villa  - (title)
Esmé Berman  - (foreword by)
Vittorino Meneghelli  - (introduction by)
Egon Guenther  - (photographs by)
Mario Todeschini  - (photographs by)
James Soullier  - (photographs by)
50: Villa at 90
Karel Nel  - (edited and compiled by)
Elizabeth Burroughs  - (edited and compiled by)
Amalie von Maltitz  - (edited and compiled by)
Edoardo Villa  - (title)
Esmé Berman  - (foreword by)
Vittorino Meneghelli  - (introduction by)
Egon Guenther  - (photographs by)
Mario Todeschini  - (photographs by)
James Soullier  - (photographs by)
51: Life of Bone
Joni Brenner  - (edited by)
Elizabeth Burroughs  - (edited by)
Karel Nel  - (edited by)
Bernhard Zipfel  - (foreword by)
52: Making Marigold
Joni Brenner
Elizabeth Burroughs
53: Work from 1990 - 2005
Joni Brenner  - (title)
David Bunn  - (text by)
Jessica Dubow  - (text by)
Elizabeth Burroughs  - (text by)
Karel Nel  - (text by)
54: Jackson Hlungwani
Jackson Hlungwani  - (title)
Amos Lestoalo  - (curated by)
Elizabeth Burroughs  - (edited by)
Nessa Leibhammer  - (curated and edited by)
Karel Nel  - (curated and edited by)
55: Karel Nel
Karel Nel  - (title)
Elizabeth Burroughs
Federico Freschi  - (foreword by)
56: Hand bookbinding today, an International Art
Eugenie Candau  - (curated with an essay by)
Dorothy Bevis  - (introduction by)
57: Stripsody
Eugenio Carmi
58: Augustus Carp, Esq
Augustus Carp
John Letts  - (introduction by)
David Eccles  - (drawings by)
59: Wall Drawings and Artist Books
Shelagh Keeley
Julie Cencebaugh  - (foreword by)
60: Book of Alphabets for Douglas Cleverdon
Eric Gill  - (drawn by)
Douglas Cleverdon  - (foreword by)
John Dreyfus  - (introduction by)
61: Under Milk Wood
Dylan Thomas
Douglas Cleverdon  - (edited with an introduction by)
Ceri Richards  - (lithographs by)
62: Great Private Collections
Douglas Cooper  - (edited by)
63: Extreme Self
Shumon Basar
Douglas Coupland
Hans Ulrich Obrist
64: Aids Demographics
Douglas Crimp
65: Weighing . . . And Wanting
William Kentridge  - (title)
Hugh M. Davies  - (curated with an introduction by)
66: Museum Transformed
Douglas Davis
67: Last Light
August Derleth

68: Book and Beyond
Douglas Dodds  - (curated by)
69: S.
J. J. Abrams
Doug Dorst
V. M. Straka  - (pseudonym)
Paul Kepple  - (designed by)
Ralph Geroni  - (designed by)

70: Art of the Book
Shelagh Smith  - (curated with an introduction by)
Susan V. Corrigan  - (curated with an introduction by)
Ann Douglas  - (foreword by)
71: Art of the Book '03
Susan V. Corrigan  - (curated by)
Shelagh Smith  - (co-curator)
Ann Douglas  - (introduction by)
72: Illiers Combray
Zoë Irvine  - (sound by)
Helen Douglas  - (illustrated by)
73: Swan Songs with Damselflies
Helen Douglas
74: Queene & Belle
Helen Douglas
75: Threshold
Helen Douglas  - (images by)
Aaron Shurin  - (text by)
76: Venetian Brocade
Helen Douglas  - (book artist)
Marina Warner  - (story by)
77: In Mexico
Helen Douglas  - (book artist)
Edward James  - (text by)

78: Between the Two
Helen Douglas
79: Field Book
Helen Douglas
80: Threads
Helen Douglas
81: Water on the Border
Helen Douglas
82: Wild Wood
Helen Douglas

83: Unravelling the Ripple
Helen Douglas
84: Australian Book Arts Journal
Linda Douglas  - (edited by)
85: Australian Book Arts Journal
Linda Douglas  - (edited by)
86: Australian Book Arts Journal
Linda Douglas  - (edited by)
87: Australian Book Arts Journal
Linda Douglas  - (edited by)
88: Australian Book Arts Journal
Linda Douglas  - (edited by)
89: Australian Book Arts Journal
Linda Douglas  - (edited by)
90: Australian Book Arts Journal
Linda Douglas  - (edited by)
91: Journey into Fear
Stan Douglas
Michael Turner  - (screenplay by)
Julia Peyton-Jones  - (foreword by)
Achim Borchardt-Hume  - (introduction by)
Matt Thorne  - (essay by)
92: Calligraphic Lettering
Ralph Douglass
93: D'une Oeuvre L'autre
Guy Schraenen  - (curated by)
Pierre-Jean Foulon  - (preface by)
Christian Boltanski  - (featured artist)
Daniel Buren  - (featured artist)
James Lee Byars  - (featured artist)
Mirtha Dermisache  - (featured artist)
Peter Downsbrough  - (featured artist)
Sol LeWitt  - (featured artist)
Richard Long  - (featured artist)
Jacques Louis Nyst  - (featured artist)
Bernard Villers  - (featured artist)
Dieter Roth (a.k.a. Diter Rot) (Karl-Dieterich)  - (featured artist)
94: Notes on Location
Peter Downsbrough
95: AS)
Peter Downsbrough  - (book artist)
96: Within (Time)
Peter Downsbrough
97: Self-Portrait U.S.A
David Douglas Duncan
98: New York/New York: masterworks of a street peddler
George Forss  - Photographer
David Douglas Duncan  - Presented by
99: Animal Acrobats
Robert Cremins  - (illustrated by)
Toni Eugene  - (text by)
100: Chronic Freedom
Scott Holmquist  - (book artist)
Douglas Fit  - (text by)
Maxwell Schnurer  - (text by)
Richard Tacey  - (edited by)
Kathy Glass  - (edited by)
Joseph Massey  - (edited by)
Ami Goldberg  - (edited by)
Bridgitte Bartholomy  - (edited by)
Chad Harbach  - (edited by)
101: Classics in Contemporary and Modern Art
Douglas Flamm  - (catalogue by)
102: Graphic Novel
Jan Baetens
Hugo Frey
103: Druck & Buch. Katalog Nr. 7
Susanne Padberg
Hugo Frick  - (title)
104: Blood Knot
Athol Fugard
105: Statements
Athol Fugard
106: Go Home and Play with your Genitals
Christian Nerf
Douglas Gimberg
Francis Burger
Barend de Wet

107: One Million and Forty Four Years (and Sixty Three Days)
Kathryn Smith  - (edited with an introduction by)
Douglas Gimberg  - (featured artist)
Christian Nerf  - (featured artist)
Ruth Sacks  - (featured artist)
Ed Young  - (featured artist)
108: Grow
Hyewon Jang  - (book artist)
Eugen Gomringer  - (text by)
109: Cycad Collection
Douglas Goode  - (illustrated by)
John Comrie-Greig  - (text by)
Brett Hendey  - (preface by)
P. Vorster  - (introduction by)
Peter Carstens  - (bookbinder)

110: Black Spot
Douglas Gordon
111: Feature Film
Douglas Gordon
112: Once Upon a Time, There Was the End
Rachel Gugelberger  - (curated by)
113: Dichotomy
Eugene Hön
David Paton
Ashton Bullock
Martin Bolton
Christa van Zyl

114: Artists' Books: Distribution is the Problem
Eugenia Harris
115: Trans-Karoo Excursion
Walter Whall Battiss  (1906-1982) - (property of)
S. H. Haughton  - (text by)
116: Domestic Manners of the Americans
Francis Trollope
Auguste Hervieu  - (lithographs by)
Herbert van Thal  - (edited with an introduction by)
117: Digital Book Design and Publishing
Douglas Holleley
Joan Lyons  - (preface by)
118: Better Things
Joshua Heller Rare Books
Douglas Holleley  - (featured artist)
119: Secrets of the Spread
Douglas Holleley

120: Read, Peep, Read
Eugene Hön

121: Embedded
Paigen Kotze
Alexa Pienaar  - (featured artist)
Amalia Beagle  - (featured artist)
Bronwen Findlay  - (featured artist)
Craig McClenaghen  - (featured artist)
David Paton  - (featured artist)
Diane Victor  - (featured artist)
Eugene Hön  - (featured artist)
Federico Freschi  - (featured artist)
Gordon Froud  - (featured artist)
Karin Basel  - (featured artist)
Kim Berman  - (featured artist)
Landi Raubenheimer  - (featured artist)
Minnette Vari  - (featured artist)
Paigen Kotze  - (featured artist)
Ruth Sacks  - (featured artist)
Sachin Narain  - (featured artist)
Shonisani Netshia  - (featured artist)
Dumisani Dlamini  - (papermaker)
Nkosinathi Ndlandla  - (printmaker)
Tandekani Mchunu  - (papermaker)
Nkosinathi Ndlandla  - (oversight by)
Tsako Hobyani  - (bookbinding by)
Kim Berman  - (project coordinator)
Alison Kearney  - (featured artist)

122: FNB Vita Craft Now Millennium Awards
Wendy Goldblatt  - (curated and edited by)
Eugene Hön  - (curated and edited by)
123: New Land
Hugh Honour
124: Information Work Today
Bernard Houghton  - (edited by)
125: South African Economy
D. Hobart Houghton
126: Spontanistische Collagen
Peter Huckaug
127: Xerox Book
Carl Andre  - (contributor)
Robert Barry  - (contributor)
Douglas Huebler  - (contributor)
Joseph Kosuth  - (contributor)
Sol LeWitt  - (contributor)
Robert Morris  - (contributor)
Lawrence Weiner  - (contributor)
Seth Siegelaub  - (published by)
John W. Wendler  - (published by)

128: Variable Piece 4
Douglas Huebler
129: East Africa: The Search for Unity - Kenya, Tanganyika, Uganda and Zanzibar.
A. J. Hughes
130: Dust Memories
Aaron Hughes

131: Anne Hughes: Her Boke
Anne Hughes
Molly Preston  - (edited by)
Michael Croucher  - (introduction by)
Tony Evora  - (linocuts by)
132: Book & Periodical Illustrations of Athur Hughes
Maroussia Oakley
Arthur Hughes  - (title)
133: Short Stories
Ernest Hemingway
David Hughes  - (selected with an introduction by)
Ian Beck  - (illustrated by)
134: Black and White
David Hughes
135: Diary of a Country Parson
The Revd. James Woodforde
David Hughes  - (selected by)
Ian Stephens  - (engravings by)
136: Gwasg Gregynog
David Esslemont
Glyn Tegai Hughes  - (introduction by)
137: Sweet Flypaper of Life
Langston Hughes  - Author
138: Johannesburg The Cosmopolitan City
Laurence Hughes
139: Owles
Lynn Hughes  - (edited by)
140: Views in Colonial Natal
Nigel Hughes
Cathcart William Methven  - (title)
Anthony Wiley  - (foreword by)
141: Clément Sénèque
Clément Sénèque  - (title)
Nigel Hughes  - (author)
Alastair Meredith  - (introduction by)
142: Fox in the Attic
Richard Hughes
143: High Wind in Jamaica
Richard Hughes
144: Sasol Art Collection. Vol III
Paul du P. Kruger  - (preface by)
Leon du Plessis  - (introduction by)
Richard Hughes  - (edited by)
Teresa Lizamore  - (edited by)
145: Culture of Complaint
Robert Hughes
146: Frank Auerbach
Robert Hughes
147: Nothing if not Critical
Robert Hughes
148: Boundless
Cynthia Sears  - (curated with an introduction by)
Catherine Alice Michaelis  - (curated with an introduction by)
Tia Blassingame  - (curated with an introduction by)
Ellen Sheffield  - (curated with an introduction by)
Shelia Hughes  - (introduction by)
Mark Dimunation  - (essay by)
149: Open Sesame!
Cynthia Sears  - (curated by)
Catherine Alice Michaelis  - (curated by)
Amy Goldthwaite  - (curated by)
Shelia Hughes  - (introduction by)
150: Cousin Pons
Honoré de Balzac
Herbert J. Hunt  - (translated with an introduction by)
Shirley Hughes  - (lithographs by)
151: Landscape of Edna St Vincent Millay Sonnets
Susan Keifer Hughes  - (book artist)
Edna St. Vincent Millay  - (title)

152: Complete Prints of Leonard Baskin
Alan Fern
Alan Fern
Ted Hughes  - (introduction by)
Ted Hughes  - (introduction by)
Leonard Baskin  - (title)
Leonard Baskin  - (title)
Judith O'Sullivan
153: Adam and the Sacred Nine
Ted Hughes
154: Chiasmadon
Ted Hughes
Claire Van Vliet  - (book artist)
155: Wood-engravings of Blair-Hughes Stanton
Blair Hughes-Stanton  - (title)
Penelope Hughes-Stanton  - (author)
156: Reinventing the Book
Anna Hammond  - (essay by)
Milan Hughston  - (essay by)
May Castleberry  - (essay by)
157: Artists' Books: Primers of Visual Literacy
Joan Hugo  - (essay by)
158: Messina / Musina
Peter Hugo
159: Hyena and Other Men
Pieter Hugo  - Author
160: Messina / Musina
Pieter Hugo  - Author
161: Permanent Error
Pieter Hugo  - Author
162: Peter Hujar: Eine Retrospektive
Pieter Hugo  - Author
163: This Must Be The Place
Pieter Hugo  - Author
164: Cucaracha
Pieter Hugo  - Author

165: Solus. Vol 1. Concerning Atypical. . .
Pieter Hugo  - Author
166: Aux Etats-Unis D'Amerique
Victor Hugo
Judith Rothchild  - (book artist)
167: Battle of Waterloo
Victor Hugo
168: Notre Dame
Victor Hugo
169: Introduction
James Hugunin  - (essay by)
170: Bald Prima Donna
Eugene Ionesco
Donald Watson  - (translated by)
Massin  - (typography by)
Henry Cohen  - (photographs by)
Nicolas Bataille  - (play by)
171: Journeys Among the Dead
Eugene Ionesco  - (text and lithographs by)
Barbara Wright  - (translated by)
172: Clarence John Laughlin: The Personal Eye
Clarence John Laughlin  - Photographer
173: Pop-up Wine Book
Hugh Johnson
174: Art Inc
Mitchell Douglas Kahan  - (introduction by)
175: Our Hearts Were Young and Gay
Emily Kimborough
176: Pleasure by the Busload
Emily Kimborough
177: Stories Of Little Red Riding Hood, And Others
August R. Klapper  - (printed by)
Carl Anderson Roseberg  - (illustrated by)
178: Hab' so Eine Phantasie . . .
Anja Harms  - (contributor)
Irmtraud Klug-Berninger  - (contributor)
Ines von Ketelhodt  - (contributor)
Doris Preussner  - (contributor)
Uta Schneider  - (contributor)
Ulrike Stoltz  - (contributor)
179: Denkst, es ist Zufall
Anja Harms  - (contributor)
Irmtraud Klug-Berninger  - (contributor)
Ines von Ketelhodt  - (contributor)
Doris Preussner  - (contributor)
Uta Schneider  - (contributor)
Ulrike Stoltz  - (contributor)
180: Works
Jana Kluge
181: On Tyranny
Timothy Snyder  - (text by)
Nora Krug  - (illustrated by)
182: My Pretty Pony
Barbara Kruger  - (illustrated by)
Steven King  - (text by)
May Castleberry  - (produced by)

183: Thinking of You
Barbara Kruger  - (title)
Ann Goldstein  - (organised by)

184: Openbaringe en Johannes
Phil du Plessis  - (poems by)
Braam Kruger  - (illustrated by)
Judith Mason  - (dedicated to)
185: Art (supplement)
Walter Whall Battiss  (1906-1982) - (featured artist)
Braam Kruger  - (essay by)
186: Braam Kruger
Fred Scott  - (curated with a preface by)
Federico Freschi  - (essay by)
Braam Kruger  - (title)
187: Mamba Awards
Braam Kruger
Jack Mitchell Ginsberg  - (featured artist)
188: Fook Nooks (2)
Walter Whall Battiss  (1906-1982)
Braam Kruger  - (contributor)
Barry Davidow  - (contributor)
Wokkel (see note)

189: Gabrielle Kruger
Gabrielle Kruger  - (title)
190: Gabrielle Kruger
Gabrielle Kruger  - (title)
Keely Shinners  - (foreword by)
191: Sasol Art Collection. Vol II
Paul du P. Kruger  - (preface by)
L. Schmidt  - (introduction by)
192: Sasol Art Collection. Vol III
Paul du P. Kruger  - (preface by)
Leon du Plessis  - (introduction by)
Richard Hughes  - (edited by)
Teresa Lizamore  - (edited by)
193: Art @ work
Lucia Berger  - (compiled and edited by)
Kathryn Smith  - (compiled and edited by)
Teresa Lizamore  - (compiled and edited by)
Brenda Jacobs  - (assisted by)
Paul du P. Kruger  - (foreword by)
194: Knap!
Paul du P. Kruger  - (foreword by)
195: My Name is Celia
Rayne Kruger
196: Martli Jansen van Rensburg
Martli Janse van Rensburg  - (title)
Runette Kruger  - (text by)
Harrie Siertsema  - (concept by)
197: Saudade de l'Esperenza (Mozambique)
Karl Kugel  - Author
198: Artists' Book not Artists' Book
Johan Kugelberg  - (curated by)
Jeremy Sanders  - (curated by)
Leigh Graniello  - (poster)
199: Piero Heliczer & The Dead Language Press
Johan Kugelberg  - (curated by)
Jonas Mekas  - (curated by)
200: Artists of Fame and Promise
Walter Whall Battiss  (1906-1982) - (featured artist)
Giuseppe Cattaneo  - (featured artist)
Edoardo Villa  - (featured artist)
Sydney Kumalo  - (featured artist)
Eugene Labuschagne  - (featured artist)
201: Municipal Gallery of Modern Art 1910
Hugh Lane  - (introduction by)
202: Women's Festival of Arts
Gugu Langa
203: Pig
J. Laughlin
204: Correspondence with Prof. D. M. (Danie) Joubert
D. M. Joubert  - (letters to)
Esias Bosch  - (featured artist)
Bettie Cilliers Barnard  - (featured artist)
Gregoire Boonzaier  - (featured artist)
Frans Claerhout  - (featured artist)
Christo Coetzee  - (featured artist)
Danie de Jager  - (featured artist)
Dick Findlay  - (featured artist)
Zakkie (Zacharias) Eloff  - (featured artist)
Elzaby Laubscher  - (featured artist)
Maggie Laubser  - (featured artist)
Jack Lugg  - (featured artist)
Thijs Nel  - (featured artist)
Hyme Rabinowitz  - (featured artist)
Nico Roos  - (featured artist)
Alexander Rose-Innes  - (featured artist)
Anton Rupert  - (featured artist)
Edoardo Villa  - (featured artist)
205: Haslewood Books
Frederick Etchells
Hugh . MacDonald  - (featured artist)
Peter Tucker  - (featured artist)
206: Blurred Library
Tate Shaw
Doug Manchee  - (photographs by)
Emily McVarish  - (contributor)
Ward Tietz  - (contributor)
Janet Zweig  - (contributor)
207: GIF 3
Hanneke Benadé  - (featured artist)
Conrad Botes  - (featured artist)
Elza Botha  - (featured artist)
Mandy Conidaris  - (featured artist)
Karin Daymond  - (featured artist)
Sheila Flynn  - (featured artist)
Jared Ginsburg  - (featured artist)
Jill Graham  - (featured artist)
Gabrielle Guy  - (featured artist)
Daniel Hewson  - (featured artist)
Erica Hibbert  - (featured artist)
Elaine Kehew  - (featured artist)
William Kentridge  - (featured artist)
Eugenie Marais  - (featured artist)
Colbert Mashile  - (featured artist)
Tamar Mason  - (featured artist)
Kagiso Pat Mautloa  - (featured artist)
Luan Nel  - (featured artist)
Christian Nerf  - (featured artist)
Francis Njoroge  - (featured artist)
Fiona Pole  - (featured artist)
Anne Rowlinson  - (featured artist)
Joachim Schönfeldt  - (featured artist)
Claudette Schreuders  - (featured artist)
Kathryn Smith  - (featured artist)
Lee Turner  - (featured artist)
Strijdom van der Merwe  - (featured artist)
Morné Visagie  - (featured artist)
Mark Attwood  - (co-ordinated by)
Joachim Schönfeldt  - (co-ordinated by)
Robert Weinek  - (co-ordinated by)
Mark Attwood  - (edited by)
Tamar Mason  - (edited by)
Phumla Mabuza  - (bookbinding by)
Jacky Tsila  - (bookbinding by)

208: Books and Portfolios 1957-1992
Marlborough Graphics
209: Outline of Book Design
Douglas Martin
210: Telling Line
Douglas Martin
Vonani Bila  - (writer and designed by)
Mpho Ramaano  - (writer)
Bongani Motau  - (writer)
Goodenough Mashego  - (writer)
Alex Ndebele  - (writer)
Gabisile Nkosi  - (illustrated by)
Malcolm Christian  - (designed by)

212: Complete Short Stories of W.Somerset Maugham
W. Somerset Maugham
213: Short Stories
W. Somerset Maugham
Sue Bradbury  - (selected and introduced by)
Christopher Brown  - (drawings by)
214: Writer's Notebook
W. Somerset Maugham
215: Cutting Edge
Jim Becker
Andy Mayer
Doug Mayer
216: Golden Age of B Movies
Doug McClelland
217: Magic Mirror
McLoughlin Bros.  - (produced by)
218: Book
Douglas C. McMurtrie
219: Caught Moments / New Viewpoints
Ralph Eugene Meatyard  - Author
220: Ralph Eugene Meatyard: An Aperture Monograph
Ralph Eugene Meatyard  - Author
221: Room of Their Own
Susan Meiselas (with women in refuge)  - Author
222: Sketched Out
Katherine Akmulun  - (foreword by)
Jill Senft  - (foreword by)
Hugo Moura  - (foreword by)
223: Form of the Book Book
Sara De Bondt  - (edited with a foreward by)
Fraser Muggeridge  - (edited with a foreward by)
224: Three Flats
Malcolm Muggeridge
225: Smith of Smiths
Hesketh Pearson
Malcolm Muggeridge  - (introduction by)
226: Intimate Thoughts of John Baxter, Bookseller
Augustus Muir  - (edited by)
227: Stage and Film Decor
R. Myerscough-Walker
228: Hugo Naude
Adèle Naudé
Hugo Naudé  - (title)
229: Buchstabenbuch
Eugen Nerdinger
230: El Libro de Artista en el Taller Arte dos Gráfico
Luis Angel Parra  - (introduction by)
María Eugenia Niño  - (introduction by)
231: Iceman Cometh
Eugene O'Neill
232: Meeting of Minds
Louis Mazhubela  - (title)
Douglas Portway  - (title)
233: Few Comforts or Surprises: The Arkansas Delta
Eugene Richards  - Author
234: Americans We
Eugene Richards  - Photographer
235: Side Gallery 2007
Sophie Perryer  - (edited by)
Athi-Patra Ruga  - (featured artist)
Fabian Saptouw  - (featured artist)
Lerato Shadi  - (featured artist)
Simon Gush  - (featured artist)
Joost Bosland  - (curated by)
236: Last Word
Ralph Rugoff  - (essay by)
237: August Sander: Köln Wie Es War
August Sander  - Author
238: August Sander: Menschen Ohne Maske
August Sander  - Author
239: Made in the Midwest
Bruce W. Pepich  - (introduction by)
Walter (Samuel Haatoum) Hamady  - (title)
Beth Grabowski  - (essay by)
Charles Alexander  - (featured artist)
Janet Ballweg  - (featured artist)
Gretchen Lee Coles  - (featured artist)
Lester Dore  - (featured artist)
Jim A. Escalante  - (featured artist)
Marta Gomez  - (featured artist)
Susan Gosin  - (featured artist)
Beth Grabowski  - (featured artist)
Lane Hall  - (featured artist)
Kevin Henkes  - (featured artist)
Kent Kasuboske  - (featured artist)
Katherine Kuehn  - (featured artist)
Jim Lee  - (featured artist)
Ruth Lingen  - (featured artist)
Shiere M. Melin  - (featured artist)
Steve Miller  - (featured artist)
Lisa Moline  - (featured artist)
Jeffrey Morin  - (featured artist)
Stephanie Newman-James  - (featured artist)
Bonnie O'Connell  - (featured artist)
Cathie Ruggie Saunders  - (featured artist)
Susi Schneider  - (featured artist)
Pati Scobey  - (featured artist)
Bonnie Stahlecker  - (featured artist)
Barbara Tetenbaum  - (featured artist)
Walter Tisdale  - (featured artist)
Debra Weier  - (featured artist)
240: Dear Doctor Hip Pocrates
Eugene Schoenfeld
241: ABC of Bugs and Plants in a Northern Garden
Claire Van Vliet  - (book artist)
Judy Fairclough Sgantas  - (illustrated by)

242: Locus Voluptatis
Douglas Shafer
243: Subtle from the Dense
Douglas Shafer

244: Prettiest Love Letters in the World
Hugh Shankland
245: Kind of Huh?"
Willoughby Sharp  - (interview by)
Edward (Ed) Ruscha  - (interview with)
246: 136 Points of Reference
Alan Fletcher  - (contributing author)
Adrian Shaughnessy  - (foreword by)
Martin Parr  - (contributing author)
Erik Spiekermann  - (contributing author)
Lawrence Weiner  - (contributing author)
247: Art Metropole
Kitty Scott
Jonathan Shaughnessy
Pierre Théberge  - (foreword by)
248: Artists' Books 1
Hugh Shaw
249: Artists' Bookworks 2
Hugh Shaw
250: American Horizons: The Photographs of Art Sinsabaugh
Art Sinsabaugh  - Photographer
Keith F Davis  - Author
251: His Photographs and His Notes
W. Eugene Smith  - Author
252: Photographs 1934-1975
W. Eugene Smith  - Photographer
Giles Mora  - Editor
John T Hill  - Editor
253: Artist Survey
Doug Spowart
Victoria Cooper
254: Noria Mabasa
Kathryn Staughan
Wilhelm van Rensburg  - (educational supplement by)
Noria Mabasa  - (title)
255: Monsters
Justine Peek  - (illustrated by)
Dugald Steer  - (written by)
256: Robert Jacks
Robert Jacks  - (title)
Douglas Stewart  - (foreword by)
257: Urtod
Hyewon Jang
August Stramm  - (text by)
258: Paracrafts
Eugene Strelkov  - (curated by)
259: Wandering Library of Artists and Poets
Eugene Strelkov
260: Electric Tulips 5.1
Philip Gallo  - (book artist)
Alessandro S. Struga  - (appreciation by)
261: Zeichen hand Zeit, trait Trace retrait
Johannes Strugalla
Stefan Soltek  - (preface by)
262: z. B. #14
Uta Schneider
Ulrike Stoltz
Johannes Strugalla  - (interview with)
Francoise Despalles  - (interview with)
263: Weder Senf Noch Safran / Ni Sanve ni Safran
Franz Mon  - (poems by)
Jean-Claude Loubières
Johannes Strugalla

264: Hommage a Antonin Artaud
Robert Schwarz
Johannes Strugalla
265: Son d'une Ville: Berlin
Louis Roquin  - (photography and text by)
Johannes Strugalla  - (book artist)
Francoise Despalles  - (book artist)
266: Guest Book 1998
Robbin Ami Silverberg  - (book)
János Sugár  - (featured artist)
Leora Farber  - (featured artist)
Sophia Gruber  - (featured artist)
Linda Sihali  - (featured artist)
Katrin Dieckmann  - (featured artist)
Döce Váradi  - (featured artist)
Diane Victor  - (featured artist)
Christine Dixie  - (featured artist)
Arimichi Iwasawa  - (featured artist)
Agnés Eperjési  - (featured artist)

267: Sea of Buddha
Hiroshi Sugimoto

268: Sugimoto
Hiroshi Sugimoto
269: Hiroshi Sugimoto
Pia Müller-Tamm
Hiroshi Sugimoto  - (title)
Kerry Brougher
270: Time Exposed
Hiroshi Sugimoto  - (title)
Thomas Kellein  - (text by)
271: Hasselblad Award 2001
Hiroshi Sugimoto  - Author
272: Odyssey in Print
Mary Augusta Thomas
Michael Dirda  - (essay by)
Storrs L. Olson  - (essay by)
Nancy E. Gwinn  - (foreword by)
273: Various Basalt Columns
Augusta Toppins
Edward (Ed) Ruscha  - (parody of)
274: Age of Expansion
Hugh Trevor-Roper
275: Fabrik
Jak Tuggener  - Author
276: Power Pop
277: Op-Art Pop-Up Vasarely
Victor Vasarely
Philippe Ug

278: Composition No. 1
Marc Saporta
Salvador Plascencia  - (diagrams by)
Tom Uglow  - (introduction by)
279: Walter Battiss
Walter Whall Battiss  (1906-1982) - (title)
Lee van Bruggen  - (compiled by)
Warren Siebrits  - (ex libris of)
280: Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
Anita Loos
Hugo Vickers  - (introduction by)
ffolkes  - (drawings by)
281: England Their England
A. G. Macdonell
Hugo Vickers  - (introduction by)
Peter Brooks  - (illustrations by)
282: Pursuit of Love
Nancy Mitford
Hugo Vickers  - (introduction by)
Roland Pym  - (illustrated by)
283: Zeit, Temps, Time
Ines von Ketelhodt  - (book artist)
Hugo von Hofmannsthal  - (text by)
284: Letters of Lord Chandos
Stefan Gunnesch  - (book artist)
Hugo von Hofmannsthal  - (text by)
285: Beautiful World
Christiaan (Chris) Diedericks  - (book artist)
Johan de Lange  - (poems by)
Hayden Proud  - (introduction by)
Eugene Vorster  - (preface by)

286: Wines and Spirits
Alec Waugh
287: Square Book of Animals
William Nicholson
Arthur Waugh  - (poems by)
288: Unlucky Family
Mrs Henry de la Pasture
Auberon Waugh  - (introduction by)
John Lawrence  - (illustrated by)
289: Another Voice
Auberon Waugh
290: Country Topics
Auberon Waugh
291: Way of the World
Auberon Waugh
292: Black Mischief
Evelyn Waugh
293: Black Mischief
Evelyn Waugh
Quentin Blake  - (illustrations by)
William Deedes  - (introduction by)
294: Brideshead Revisited
Evelyn Waugh
295: Brideshead Revisited
Evelyn Waugh
296: Loved One
Evelyn Waugh
Beryl Cook  - (illustrated by)
297: Scoop
Evelyn Waugh
James Cameron  - (introduction by)
Quentin Blake  - (illustrations by)
298: Sword of Honour
Evelyn Waugh
299: Modular Poems
Dick Higgins
Eugene Williams  - (photographs by)
300: Folio 1968-71
Hugh Williamson  - (introduction by)
301: Visionaire 55 Surprise
Andreas Gursky  - (featured artist)
Cai Guo-Qiang  - (featured artist)
Steven Klein  - (featured artist)
Sophie Calle  - (featured artist)
Mario Testino  - (featured artist)
Yayoi Kusama  - (featured artist)
Alasdair McLellan  - (featured artist)
Sølve Sundsbø  - (featured artist)
Gareth Pugh With  - (featured artist)
Gary Card  - (featured artist)
Nicola Formichetti  - (featured artist)
Steven Meisel  - (featured artist)
Guido Mocafico  - (featured artist)
Bruce Foster  - (paper engineering by)
302: First Decade
Douglas Wolf  - (foreword by)
Francis O. Mattson  - (introduction by)
303: Proceedings of The Fine Printing Conference at Columbia University
Terry Belanger  - (organised by)
Ronald Gordon  - (organised by)
Susan Gosin  - (organised by)
Francis O. Mattson  - (organised by)
Carol Sturm  - (organised by)
Douglas Wolf  - (organised by)
304: Proceedings of The Fine Printing Conference at Columbia University
Ronald Gordon
Carol Sturm
Terry Belanger
Francis O. Mattson
Susan Gosin
Douglas Wolf
305: Song of Songs
Edward Wolfe  - (illustrated by)
Weatherby Woolnough  - (bookbinding by)
James O'Connor  - (edited by)

© Jack Ginsberg Centre for Book Arts (JGCBA). All rights reserved.