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Publishers starting with 'R'

  1. Robert Miller - Edward Ruscha Stains 1992 (Author: Peter Schjeldahl, ID: GB/10523)
  2. Robert Miller - Edward Ruscha Stains 1992 (Author: Edward (Ed) Ruscha, ID: GB/10523)
  3. Richter Verlag - Hamish Fulton: Walking Artist 2001 (Author: Hamish Fulton, ID: GB/11630)
  4. Rizzoli - Marcel Duchamp: Box in a Valise 1989 (Author: Ecke Bonk, ID: GB/1843)
  5. Rizzoli - Marcel Duchamp: Box in a Valise 1989 (Author: David Britt, ID: GB/1843)
  6. Rizzoli - Marcel Duchamp: Box in a Valise 1989 (Author: Marcel Duchamp, ID: GB/1843)
  7. Rubell Family Collection - Memorials of Identity 2006 (Author: Luisa Lagos, ID: GB/11124)
  8. Rubell Family Collection - Memorials of Identity 2006 (Author: Mark Coetzee, ID: GB/11124)
  9. Rubell Family Collection - Memorials of Identity 2006 (Author: William Kentridge, ID: GB/11124)

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