Navigating the Bookscape: Artists’ Books and the Digital Interface

Aardklop Arts Festival
• 25 – 30 September 2006

FADA Gallery, University of Johannesburg
• 5 – 13 October 2006

David Paton
• Curator 2006

David Paton is the Head of the Department of Fine Art, University of Johannesburg. He has a Masters Degree in Fine Art focussing on the South African Artist’s Book. He curated the exhibition Artists’ Books in the Ginsberg Collection, held at the Johannesburg Art Gallery in 1996. The current exhibitions and catalogue form part of an ongoing research project into the Artist’s Book and the digital interface.


The curator would like to thank and acknowledge the following people and organisations for their contribution to making this project possible:

Jack Ginsberg for his generosity in loaning his books and for his continued support of my research.

Giulio Tambellini, Kim Lieberman, André Venter, Paul Emmanuel and Marc Edwards for believing in this project and accepting my invitation produce new work for the exhibitions.

Paul Emmanuel for designing and producing the catalogue.

Robyn Sassen for contributing the introduction and for being willing to help me take this research further.

Ros Cleaver for her tireless work in developing the database, documenting the books and helping curate the FADA exhibition.

Kgomotso Maloka for helping to develop the database and curate the Aardklop exhibition.

Sidney Ndhlovu for developing the digital programs for the exhibitions, and the catalogue for website access.

Peter Dennis for developing and launching the website.

Estelle Dippenaar, Haddad Viljoen and Richard Strydom for their support in making the Aardklop exhibition a reality.

Beverley Paton for proof-reading the text.

Clive Kellner and the Johannesburg Art Gallery for the loan of cabinets for the FADA exhibition.

The National Research Foundation, National Arts Council of South Africa and the University Research Committee of the University of Johannesburg for their financial support of my project.

Ian Harveson and Ros Cleaver who photographed the books.

Faheema Mayet who keeps me balanced and reminds me of the important things in life.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form without permission in writing from the authors and/or artists. © David Paton, Robyn Sassen, Jack Ginsberg and all the participating artists.

ISBN: 0-620-37094-7

© Jack Ginsberg Centre for Book Arts (JGCBA). All rights reserved.