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Artwork Titles starting with 'C'

  1. California and the West 1940 (Author: Charles Wilson Weston , ID: GB/80092)
  2. California and the West 1940 (Author: Edward Weston, ID: GB/80093)
  3. California: Views by Robert Adams of the Los Angeles Basin 1978-1983 2000 (Author: Robert Adamson, ID: GB/80094)
  4. Call and Response 2011 (Author: Cedric Nunn, ID: GB/80934)
  5. Camera in My Kitbag 1988 (Author: Terence McNally, ID: GB/80095)
  6. Camera Work (Author: Jonathon Green, ID: GB/81014)
  7. Camera Work: The Complete Illustrations 1903-1917 1997 (Author: Alfred Stieglitz, ID: GB/80096)
  8. Camille Silvy: River Scene, France 1992 (Author: Mark Haworth-Booth, ID: GB/80097)
  9. Cape Camera: The Architectural Beauty of the Old Cape. Photographs from the Arthur Elliott Collection in the Cape Archives 1993 (Author: Arthur Elliott, ID: GB/80098)
  10. Cape Flats Details: Life and Culture in the Townships of Capetown 2003 (Author: Chris Ledochowski, ID: GB/80099)
  11. Carnival Strippers 2003 (Author: Susan Meiselas, ID: GB/80100)
  12. Case History 1999 (Author: Boris Mikhailov , ID: GB/80101)
  13. Casting Shadows: Images from a New South Africa 2000 (Author: Edward West, ID: GB/80102)
  14. Caught Moments / New Viewpoints 1983 (Author: Ralph Eugene Meatyard, ID: GB/80103)
  15. Ce Qui Demeure: Vol I / 1999-2008 2010 (Author: Baptiste Lignel, ID: GB/80104)
  16. Cecil Beaton's New York 1938 (Author: Cecil Beaton, ID: GB/80105)
  17. Central Park 1995 (Author: Bruce Davison, ID: GB/80106)
  18. Chances Are . . . 2005 (Author: Steve Kwena Mokwena, ID: GB/80959)
  19. Changing New York 1935-1939 1999 (Author: Ansel Adams, ID: GB/80107)
  20. Changing the Earth 2002 (Author: Emmet Gowin, ID: GB/80108)
  21. Chicago 2006 (Author: Oliver Chanarin, ID: GB/80109)
  22. Chicago 2006 (Author: Adam Broomberg, ID: GB/80109)
  23. Chili September 1973 (Books on Books) 2010 (Author: Koen Wessing, ID: GB/80111)
  24. Cindy Sherman 1975-1993 1993 (Author: Cindy Sherman, ID: GB/3569)
  25. Cindy Sherman 1975-1993 1993 (Author: Norman Bryson, ID: GB/3569)
  26. Cindy Sherman 1975-1993 1993 (Author: Rosalind Krauss, ID: GB/3569)
  27. Circle 2008 (Author: Fazal Sheikh, ID: GB/80113)
  28. City Refracted 2015 (Author: Graeme Williams, ID: GB/80114)
  29. ciutat de la gent 1997 (Author: Various Artists, ID: GB/80115)
  30. Clarence John Laughlin: The Personal Eye 1973 (Author: Clarence John Laughlin, ID: GB/80116)
  31. Close Season 2002 (Author: Ken Grant, ID: GB/80117)
  32. Coal Hollow: Photographs and Oral Histories 2006 (Author: Ken Light , ID: GB/80118)
  33. Coal Hollow: Photographs and Oral Histories 2006 (Author: Melanie Light, ID: GB/80119)
  34. Colección CA2m: Volumen 1 2010 (Author: Various Artists, ID: GB/80120)
  35. Collection of Alfred Stieglitz 1978 (Author: Alfred Stieglitz, ID: GB/80121)
  36. Come Again 2006 (Author: Robert Frank, ID: GB/80122)
  37. Coming to Light: Birmingham's Photographic Collections 1998 (Author: Various Artists, ID: GB/80123)
  38. Common Sense 1999 (Author: Martin Parr, ID: GB/80124)
  39. Commuters / Sleepers 2010 (Author: Marc Gouby, ID: GB/80125)
  40. Comparison of Approaches to Documentary Photography of 1930s America and Contemporary South Africa 1992 (Author: Sally Ann Gaule, ID: GB/80935)
  41. Concrete: Fotografie und Architektur 2014 (Author: Various Artists, ID: GB/80126)
  42. Congo Democratic (Author: Guy Tillim, ID: GB/81013)
  43. Connect with Everything 2017 (Author: Tatsuo Miyajima, ID: GB/80127)
  44. Constellations 2001 (Author: Dunja Evers, ID: GB/80128)
  45. Consuelo Kanaga: An American Photographer 1992 (Author: Consuelo Kanaga, ID: GB/80129)
  46. Consumption 2014 (Author: Various Artists, ID: GB/80130)
  47. Contemporary African Photography From the Walther Collection. Appropriated Landscapes 2011 (Author: Various Artists, ID: GB/80131)
  48. Contemporary African Photography from the Walther Collection. Events of the Self 2010 (Author: Various Artists, ID: GB/80132)
  49. Contemporary Photographers: The Persistence of Vision 1967 (Author: Various Artists, ID: GB/80133)
  50. Contemporary Photographers: Towards a Social Landscape 1966 (Author: Various Artists, ID: GB/80134)
  51. Conversations with Photographers 2011 (Author: David Goldblatt, ID: GB/80567)
  52. Conversations with Photographers 2009 (Author: Wolfgang Tillmans, ID: GB/80962)
  53. Conversations with Photographers 2009 (Author: Alel Hutte, ID: GB/80963)
  54. Conversations with Photographers 2009 (Author: Gonzalo Puch, ID: GB/80964)
  55. Conversations with Photographers 2011 (Author: Boris Kossoy, ID: GB/80965)
  56. Conversations with Photographers 2011 (Author: Luis Gonzalez Palma, ID: GB/80966)
  57. Conversations with Photographers 2011 (Author: Gabriele Basilico, ID: GB/80967)
  58. Conversations with Photographers 2011 (Author: Jose Manuel Ballester , ID: GB/80968)
  59. Conversations with Photographers 2011 (Author: Ignasi Aballi, ID: GB/80969)
  60. Conversations with the Dead 1971 (Author: Billy McCune, ID: GB/80135)
  61. Conversations with the Dead 1971 (Author: Danny Lyon, ID: GB/80135)
  62. Corpo Abstracto. Abstract Body 2006 (Author: Miguel Ribeiro, ID: GB/80136)
  63. Cost of Living 1989 (Author: Martin Parr, ID: GB/80137)
  64. Cottonwoods: Photographs by Robert Adams 1994 (Author: Robert Adamson, ID: GB/80138)
  65. Counterparts: Form and Emotion in Photographs 1982 (Author: Various Artists, ID: GB/80139)
  66. Country Camera 1844-1914 1973 (Author: Gordon Winter, ID: GB/80958)
  67. Court House 1978 (Author: Richard Pare, ID: GB/80140)
  68. Court House 1978 (Author: Various Artists, ID: GB/80140)
  69. Creative Camera and Internatoinal Year Book 1977 1976 (Author: Unknown, ID: GB/80141)
  70. Creative Photography: Aesthetic Trends 1839-1960 1962 (Author: Unknown, ID: GB/80142)
  71. Crossing the Frontier 1996 (Author: Various Artists, ID: GB/80143)
  72. Cry Sadness Into the Coming Rain 2017 (Author: Margaret Courtney-Clarke, ID: GB/80144)
  73. Cuba in Revolution 2013 (Author: Various Artists, ID: GB/80145)
  74. Cuba in Revolution 2011 (Author: Various Artists, ID: GB/80146)
  75. Cuba La Fotografia de Los Anos 60 1988 (Author: Maria E. Haya, ID: GB/80924)
  76. Cucaracha 2019 (Author: Pieter Hugo, ID: GB/81009)
  77. Cycles 1994 (Author: Judy Dater, ID: GB/80147)

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